Super lifehack! How to hide a random Like on Instagram?

A proven method to which James Bond was taught by Stirlitz! To begin with, we’ll decide what a “random like” is. It can happen even to the most worthy of us. Let’s say you faithfully skipped 15 photos in a…

By Cindy
April 10, 2019

Curving is another relationship trend that everyone can fall victim to

In fact, curving was practiced by our ancestors but they just did not know what it is called. Many trends in modern relationships, such as ghosting, are associated with the emergence and development of modern technologies. That is hardly a…

By Cindy
April 9, 2019

How to determine the girl’s interest with the help of “Stories” in “Instagram”

It is very simple. You only have to download a few “stories”. The obvious advantage of “stories” over usual Instagram publications is that you can see everyone who watched them. So, if your ex-girlfriend visits to your page, but out…

By Cindy
April 8, 2019

What is “ phubbing” and why is it dangerous for your relationship?

Find out if you are phubbing those around you and if they are phubbing you. The more energetic technologies develop, the more our vocabulary flourishes with new concepts. And now we welcome the new word – phubbing! The neologism is…

By Cindy
April 5, 2019

How to kiss a girl for the first time (instruction)

It is only at first glance everything seems to be simple. As if not so: the conditions for the first kiss should be perfect. New girl is great! These are hopes for a bright future and the promise of multiple…

By Cindy
April 3, 2019

Bridging – a trend of modern relations, which is even worse than ghosting!

Once I told you how not to become a victim of ghosting. Now I will tell you how to avoid bridging. I like to speculate that numerous social networks and dating sites did not simplify the personal life of the…

By Cindy
April 1, 2019

5 tricks to help you survive the breakup

Has she got another one? Spit! But you have a reason to read these tips! Parting is a powerful shake-up of the whole organism, capable of driving into the euphoria of delight or the abyss of despair. It is rare…

By Cindy
March 31, 2019

10 best ideas for a romantic date in the spring

It’s time to go on dates, even if you are over 30, and the last time together you went to the grocery store – take your faithful by the hand and lead out into the street, create your own spring…

By Cindy
March 29, 2019

When your girlfriend is sick (survival instruction for you)

What to do you when you just can not please her. If you meet a living woman, and not an imaginary woman, then sooner or later she will get sick – alas, these are the features of any human body….

By Cindy
March 27, 2019

20 armor piercing tips on flirting

No foolish pickup tricks – only the most effective ways to get the girl you like the most. 1. The golden rule of three seconds. If you meet the gaze with the girl you were looking at, smile at her…

By Cindy
March 22, 2019

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