How to keep relationships and marriage and at a distance

It often seems to young boys and girls that the most important thing is to find your soul mate. But in reality, only melodramas and fairy tales end with a wedding, in life, everything just starts from a wedding. And…

By Cindy
October 24, 2019

Crisis periods in a relationship

Everyone knows the word “crisis” – it happens in relationships or, for example, in economics. And in that, and in another case, we are talking about a fateful situation in which the weak drown, and the strong receive new opportunities….

By Cindy
October 23, 2019

How to identify a hysterical girl and not fall into her trap

Whole legends go about hysterical girls. They say that there are almost the majority of such girls. This, of course, is not true, but everyone can run into a hysterical person. What’s bad about it? At first glance, nothing. But,…

By Cindy
October 22, 2019

How to survive a breakup with a loved one without depression(2)

Should I immediately look for a new girl?There is no single answer to this question. Look for a new girl specifically in order to quickly forget the ex – no, not worth it. Being open to new contacts and acquaintances…

By Cindy
October 20, 2019

Was it love exactly?

I often encounter situations when a girl leaves a guy, and he begins to wonder why this happened. The conclusion in most cases is the same – she did not love me. In fact, such an opinion is erroneous. Yes,…

By Cindy
October 16, 2019

What to write to a girl so that she answer

I know that you are waiting for tips from the category of “how to meet a girl right now, without leaving home.” But the weather is still good on the street to arrange dates, and it is really possible to…

By Cindy
October 15, 2019

Why it is better not to start a relationship with a girl who is much more attractive than you

Scientists have found out the danger of relationships with too attractive people. At the sight of your couple, everyone thinks that you must be a millionaire? Do not rush to rejoice! Scientists have found that the most attractive partners are…

By Cindy
October 9, 2019

Scientists have found out when exactly the women around you seem unattractive

Yes, yes, it turns out, and there are such moments! Another news from the world of curious scientists who climb into all the cracks of science, trying to solve the mysterious mystery of human nature. The last study makes you…

By Cindy
October 7, 2019

Repel women? Maybe you need to stop eating these two products

Scientists have found out what foods make your smell repulsive for women. Finally! The fact that it is on the smell, and not on the style of the haircut or the brand of the car, your popularity among women depends…

By Cindy
September 30, 2019

How to tame a jealous girl(2)

Fact No. 3 What is worse – to be an object of jealousy or jealous yourself? Jealousy, manifested in an aggressive form, gives a person a kind of excitement. Wanting to relive exciting moments again, a person subconsciously searches for…

By Cindy
September 29, 2019

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