Crisis periods in a relationship

Everyone knows the word “crisis” – it happens in relationships or, for example, in economics. And in that, and in another case, we are talking about a fateful situation in which the weak drown, and the strong receive new opportunities. I propose to talk about crises in relationships: how they are developing and how to solve them successfully.

A crisis does not arise just like that, it needs strong prerequisites. Many are of the opinion that crises in relationships have a certain periodicity and arise at fixed stages: a year, three, or five from the moment they meet. It seems to me that this is too simplified version, which has no evidence. But these milestones may overlap with real causes. And we’ll talk about them below.

Reallocation of roles
Often, a crisis is preceded by major changes in the very structure of relationships between partners. One of the most revealing reasons is the appearance of children. As a result, attention within the family is redistributed, and old ties are mutated. Because of this, relationships essentially become different ..

How to be If partners have an expensive relationship, then they must get out of the crisis together. No matter how much a girl loves her child, she must understand that everything should be a measure. You should start from the very beginning to connect with upbringing, take sufficient care of the baby and understand that in this situation, dissatisfaction with the lack of heat from the girl is a sign of your immaturity. One must accept that relations in which too big changes have taken place so that they can remain the same, something must change.

Why are you together
Very often the main problem of the crisis in the relationship is not asked questions on time. And the main question with which any relationship should begin is: “Do I want to be with this person at all?” The problem is that so many simply do not think about it, or put off this issue for an indefinite future. And time passes, relationships go on, people get married and start a family. When the problems of incompatibility are already difficult to hide, a person acts according to one of two options: either tries to remake a partner, or accumulates discontent in himself, without making timely claims. As you know, both options are losing.

How to be The answer is very simple: you need to take decisions carefully – especially if you want to build a serious relationship with another person – and immediately respond to any difficulties that arise in these relationships, do not put them off and not keep silent.

Big changes
During the meeting you are in a certain position, but after a while it can change for one or both partners. This applies to career, earning, hobbies, occupation, social circle and other vital components – physical and psychological state, state of health, even faith or belief.

How to be If you change greatly in some aspects of your life, you should understand that at some point your partner will actually begin to recognize you as another person. Therefore, it is important to specifically understand what exactly you want from this relationship. New Do you need a new partner or an evolving relationship with an old partner? It’s good if there is real friendship between partners or strong love in the relationship, then such a relationship can last. In any case, the changes that are taking place should be carefully discussed, but this can only be possible for those partners who are used to hearing each other.

When the paths diverge
In any case, we change with age, but this happens at different speeds and in different directions: someone is rapidly evolving, someone at some point begins to stagnate, and someone is completely degrading. Then people become as if at a different level – they are on different social levels. It is very difficult in such a situation to have an equal conversation. Your common interests finally diverge, and you are emotionally estranged from each other.

How to be It is important to remember that you are in the same boat, in the same bundle – in this position, people should pull each other up and not fall to the level of the one who pulls both down. Otherwise, more ambitious, but driven, will experience a sense of untapped potential for the rest of his life. It is not necessary for both to do the same thing, but to help each other develop is up to you.

A crisis in a relationship is not a malfunction, so you cannot pretend to be a jack of all trades and eliminate them yourself.

Over time, each of the partners goes through natural changes, which means that the relationship between you cannot remain the same all the time. It is not necessary through influence and manipulation to try to force the partner to remain the same. It is important to maintain mutual understanding and the ability to speak frankly.

By Cindy
October 23, 2019

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