The age at which the partners cheat each other twice as often

Moreover, there are several such dates in the life of every person. Watch your back! Once, two American researchers, Adam Alter and Hal Hershfild, sat peacefully at New York and California universities and studied the site where married people can…

By Cindy
May 10, 2019

The age at which women cheat the most

Try not to get involved with women of this age – take care of your trembling heart! Of course, adultery does not depend only on the age of the cheater. Here a huge number of factors are involved: do partners…

By Cindy
May 9, 2019

8 questions to ask a girl on a first date, according to lawyers for divorce

Start thinking about how to avoid a divorce, you can already on the first date. From now on, your first dates will be as productive and promising as possible, because professional lawyers came to the rescue! In the USA, the…

By Cindy
May 8, 2019

How to meet a girl-seller?

Easy! No, the girl you see behind the counter is not for sale. But you can make friends with her. Not every store is suitable for dating. Flirting with a girl from the shoe department, who saw how you ingloriously,…

By Cindy
May 7, 2019

“Plamper”, “shugaring” and 7 more female words that will help understand your girlfriend

Sometimes it seems that women speak some kind of alien language. Only you learned what cuticles are, and you remember that 20 den is the density of tights, as they immediately came up with a thousand new incomprehensible words. So…

By Cindy
May 6, 2019

Between a girl and a friend: how do the rules of communication with a girl differ from the rules of communication with a friend (Continuation)

TALK ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES Girl Need Women are ideal specialists in the subtleties of relationships, in the nuances of feelings and the construction of models of society. As a result, women love talking about feelings, and men often do not…

By Cindy
May 5, 2019

Between a girl and a friend: how do the rules of communication with a girl differ from the rules of communication with a friend

It’s nice when your girlfriend becomes your friend. This, frankly, happiness. And yet, do not forget that you cannot treat your girlfriend as male friends. SAYING “I LOVE YOU” Girl Can Well, of course. And at any time and for…

By Cindy
May 4, 2019

20 signs that a girl is cheating on you – according to a private detective

Sometimes it gives out not only the phrase “I am cheating on you,” but also these 20 signs. The man and the society that gave birth to him is imperfect, so we will not waste time on telling that cheating…

By Cindy
May 3, 2019

Is it worth it to be friends with the ex? Scientists have finally found the answer!

Before you offer your ex-girlfriend friendship, carefully read the results of this study. A new study answered the question that torments everyone who has ever been in a relationship with anyone: should you be friends with your ex? The study…

By Cindy
May 2, 2019

The girl went on 100 dates for the year and here are three tips that she wants to give you

And this is not advice “be polite” and “do not tell about the ex.” Everything is much more interesting. In my numerous materials on first dates, I repeatedly stressed the importance of these meetings for the further development of relations….

By Cindy
May 1, 2019

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