The age at which the partners cheat each other twice as often

Moreover, there are several such dates in the life of every person. Watch your back!

Once, two American researchers, Adam Alter and Hal Hershfild, sat peacefully at New York and California universities and studied the site where married people can find a companion for a couple of evenings. Studied for scientific purposes, of course. Leafing through the questionnaires of married men and married women, scientists tried to find an answer to the question of how many years these dishonest citizens. Is there not a scientifically based connection between the age of a man and his desire to find a mistress? The answer was not long in coming.

After analyzing more than eight million questionnaires filled with men on dating sites, the researchers found that 18% of them, that is, about a million married men, ends in 9.

The result impressed scientists so much that they carried out six different studies on this topic until they were finally convinced: yes, that is all true. The chances of an individual to go on a search for new sexual impressions on the side increase substantially when he reaches the age ending in nine, that is, in 29, 39 or 49 years.

After reviewing all the data, Adam Alter and Hal Hershfild concluded: this is because at the turn of the decades people tend to ask themselves vague questions about the meaning of life and their own purpose. Did I get what I wanted? Did I find myself? Does something bright, positive and vital matter pass away from me – yes, at least an intrigue with a neighbor?

So the age crisis of the world perception brings people to the path of lies and vice, the scientists rejoiced and hurried to publish the results of their research.

Professor of Sociology at the University of Connecticut Kristin Munsh, reading the data of colleagues, adds: the older people get, the more they are prone to betrayal. Therefore, from the point of view of marital infidelity, 49 years old looks much more explosive than 39 or 29.

Professor Munsh explains it this way: with age, people cheat more simply because they have more opportunities to do so. For example, a man at 49 may simultaneously become an object of sexual desire for an eighteen-year-old student and colleague a couple of years older than himself, while a twenty-year-old will most likely look for a partner exclusively among his contemporaries, significantly narrowing his search space.

However, to our universal joy, Christine Munsh does not consider age ending in nine as a sentence. “The theory sounds believable, but each of us is able to avoid adultery if we want,” the professor reassures. “To do this, it’s enough just to keep away from situations that provoke adultery: corporate boutiques, romantic evening meetings with girlfriends of the wife in the park and languid glances of neighbors.”

By Cindy
May 10, 2019

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