Between a girl and a friend: how do the rules of communication with a girl differ from the rules of communication with a friend
It’s nice when your girlfriend becomes your friend. This, frankly, happiness. And yet, do not forget that you cannot treat your girlfriend as male friends.

Girl Can
Well, of course. And at any time and for any reason. This is a universal answer to any women’s question in general: “Does this pressure cooker suit me?”, “Where did you hide a cat?”, “What do you think about the prevention of late cryptorchism?”, Etc.
Friend can’t
Even on his deathbed in space, after you fired from sharks and bandits. But you can smack him in the shoulder with a fist and say: “You hold on, buddy.”
The girl is better not to
What is already there, you regularly have to do much more intimate mixing of liquids. All your microbes have long been best friends and closest relatives. So it can perceive your diligent observance of hygienic rules as a symbolic disgust and sulk. Here she can wipe anything, she is still a girl.
Friend need
Even if both of you, having finished the biological faculty, you know very well that the sleeve did not improve the sanitary conditions there, and perhaps even brought something of its own — something new and interesting. But friends should not share with saliva. And with the blood – you can.
Girl Can
Unless, of course, you have time. Girls usually do not hesitate to comment on any changes in your appearance, and promptly carry out critical analysis.
Friend Not worth it
Here he can tell you that in the new image you look like a shaved hedgehog in a dress. But it is not necessary to squeeze out these compliments from him with suggestive questions. You still ask him if it seems to him that your eye color is losing against the background of this tie.
Girl Do not
No, you can fight and mess with the girl. But she always has to take the initiative here – in those same five minutes a month, when she doesn’t have any pain, she doesn’t have these same days and she is not saddened by the fact that one fool wrote on Facebook. If you come to her with your double nelsons in any other five minutes, it will be regarded as domestic violence. And in the worst case, not only her, but also the judicial authorities.
Friend Acceptable
Just first notice if he behaves the same to you. If, having rummaged in your memory, you cannot remember a single friendly clap on the back and not a single case when he stuffed your head in your armpit, that is, there are good reasons to believe that he does not like this way of communication and he only tolerates it. While suffering.
Girl Do not
Even the most rascal fighting friend does not want you to treat her like one of your buddies. A kiss or a smile is the minimum of romance that you have to give out when you meet her.
Friend can and sometimes need
If we want not only we, but also our subconscious, to consider us members of the same flock, we sometimes need to make physical contacts with this representative of the type of homo sapiens, thus destroying barriers and personal boundaries. Fortunately, for this you do not need to go the narrow ways of the Spartans – it is enough just sometimes to shake hands, or even reserved men’s arms at the meeting.
Girl need
It is absolutely necessary for any girl to regularly hear about how beautiful, smart, modest, unique and remarkable she is. Without these, the girls languish and feel bored.
Friend Do not
You are friends, which means you are actually equal. He will take your praise as flattery from below or approval from above. Both between equals does not look very good. The maximum that you can allow is short respectful remarks in the style of “Cool!”, “Well done!” And “Great you slapped him!”
Girl can’t
Of course, sometimes you can. Gentle, incredibly witty and one-on-one. But it is better to abstain. But in public it is completely impossible: you can’t imagine how painfully many ladies react to such a “betrayal.” (If you are incredibly lucky and your girl is able to appreciate a good joke, even if this joke drives this way and that with a tractor over her vanity, then you won the lottery with a chance of one in a million. Appreciate!)
Friend Can
Provided that he also loves these verbal picks, he does not remain in debt and laughs at your most successful barbs at his address. If only you are joking, and with a tired sigh he says “Yes, this is very funny,” then perhaps he is not as happy as you are.