14 subtle signs you’re in a healthy relationship

Recently, the media has been talking more and more about the signs of toxic relationships – which, of course, is useful and important. A much nicer thread appeared on Reddit: @ 2020Chapter asked what actions and gestures show that you…

By Cindy
October 21, 2020

25 stupid things that all couples swear about

If you’ve been living together for more than a week, you probably fought over one of these irrational reasons. Temperature conditions You put on socks, pants, a sweater and remember where the fur coat hangs when you suddenly discover that…

By Cindy
October 17, 2020

Is it possible to remain friends after the breakup and is it necessary

Alas, there are more arguments against than for. There is a study according to which friendship between former sexual partners is qualitatively different from the initially platonic relationship, and for the worse. We figure out when it is worth maintaining…

By Cindy
October 16, 2020

What is emotional cheating and why is it dangerous

No, this is not just friendship. It all starts out quite innocently and looks like an ordinary friendship. You communicate with a person, exchange messages, go for a walk or ride a snowboard together, share problems and experiences. And then…

By Cindy
October 13, 2020

8 false attitudes that keep you in an unhappy relationship

All this is not a reason to endure indifference, conflicts and abuse. A person must have a pair When we are alone, it seems to us that everyone is walking around in twos. That all families, children, weddings, joint trips…

By Cindy
October 10, 2020

What is sexting and is it considered cheating

And what if you noticed a loved one behind this. Sexting is correspondence that involves the exchange of intimate photographs and candid messages. Sometimes it contains only flirting, and sometimes it turns into a textual imitation of a full-fledged sexual…

By Cindy
October 9, 2020

3 questions to discuss before marriage to keep it long

You have to look at your relationship through the prism of divorce. Just to understand how marriage works, you need to understand how and why it ends. Divorce clearly demonstrates the unspoken rules of marriage. You need to know them…

By Cindy
October 8, 2020

How to meet a girl in real life: 6 useful tips

Finding a couple in the modern world is not so difficult. You just need to use the opportunities correctly. These life hacks will help to attract the attention of a stranger and increase your chances of dating in real life…

By Cindy
October 5, 2020

What to do if a girl doesn’t want a relationship

A woman may say she doesn’t want a relationship. And not for any specific reason, but simply “because.” And don’t take seriously “I have too much work right now” or “I am still in my past relationship.” These are all…

By Cindy
October 3, 2020

What does a woman want from a man

Any man asked this question at least once in his life: what does a woman want? We love to hint. Keep back. To be offended by outright nonsense, understandable only to us. Thinking up the names of your children and…

By Cindy
October 1, 2020

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