Is it normal that a loved one infuriates you, and how to deal with it

Annoyance can be good for your relationship. He again did not close the tube of toothpaste or lower the lid of the toilet bowl, and it took too long to get ready or to transfer important documents somewhere. It seems…

By Cindy
October 26, 2020

What is fleabagging and how to stop doing this

A new name for a familiar story when you choose the wrong partners. What is the essence of fleabagging A person chooses the wrong partners over and over again. Moreover, she often understands this perfectly, but still continues to get…

By Cindy
October 24, 2020

How to get over a breakup

Life is not over. And the plan of action drawn up by psychologists will help to make sure of this. Why do you scientifically feel bad At the beginning of a relationship, the brain produces oxytocin and dopamine. When a…

By Cindy
October 23, 2020

14 subtle signs you’re in a healthy relationship

Recently, the media has been talking more and more about the signs of toxic relationships – which, of course, is useful and important. A much nicer thread appeared on Reddit: @ 2020Chapter asked what actions and gestures show that you…

By Cindy
October 21, 2020

Why it’s time to stop believing in the myth of your soul mate

Is there a chance to meet “that very” person and is it worth looking for him at all. You are probably familiar with the idea of ​​the existence of second halves. Or perhaps you yourself believe that somewhere in the…

By Cindy
October 19, 2020

12 post-breakup mistakes that will turn your life into a nightmare

Parting with a loved one is a serious test. But you can make it even more unbearable if you do various stupid things. How to ruin your life after a breakup Continue to be together This is an obvious mistake,…

By Cindy
October 18, 2020

11 reasons not to worry if you haven’t found your soul mate before thirty

Being single as an adult has more benefits than it seems. You have not lowered your own standards for the sake of public expectations Particularly tactless relatives may have already said about you: “I would have found myself someone as…

By Cindy
October 15, 2020

How to understand that you truly love someone

Most of the signs that we usually refer to actually mean something quite different. False signs You think about this person all the time. This is a blind infatuation. If you are constantly thinking about someone, then you cannot focus…

By Cindy
October 14, 2020

What is emotional cheating and why is it dangerous

No, this is not just friendship. It all starts out quite innocently and looks like an ordinary friendship. You communicate with a person, exchange messages, go for a walk or ride a snowboard together, share problems and experiences. And then…

By Cindy
October 13, 2020

The most important thing in a relationship that many don’t think about

Nobody is obliged to make you happy. You yourself are the guarantee of your happiness. What is the secret of a harmonious relationship If you ask people what is most important in a relationship, you will get many answers. Among…

By Cindy
October 12, 2020

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