Things that women like, although they say no

1. Money Money is the energy with which you can control reality, changing it as if by magic. Sandals from dermatins have just been, and now – louboutins. Just instead of a coachman, there was a rat, and now the…

By Cindy
February 25, 2019

Henpecked men: how and why?

Yesterday I wrote about who the henpecked are and whether all men are like that. Today I would like to continue this topic and try to understand why some men become henpecked. And most importantly – to caution you against…

By Cindy
February 19, 2019

Who is a henpecked man?

I think I should not write about how this concept is deciphered. From time immemorial henpecked are a disgrace of the male species. Even in those distant times, called the “Stone Age”, when a man with a baton was the…

By Cindy
February 18, 2019

How to stop being jealous of a girl

Jealousy is a feeling familiar to everyone. Sometimes it only strengthens the passion, but sometimes it can destroy the relationship. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to understand the causes of jealousy and learn how to deal with…

By Cindy
February 17, 2019

Why do women cheat on men?

At all times, it was considered a woman to be a keeper of the hearth, created for the family, raising children and monogamous in nature. But this does not mean that they are not able to cheat. I propose to…

By Cindy
February 16, 2019

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