How to get over a breakup

Life is not over. And the plan of action drawn up by psychologists will help to make sure of this. Why do you scientifically feel bad At the beginning of a relationship, the brain produces oxytocin and dopamine. When a…

By Cindy
October 23, 2020

WHO worsened its prediction on the pandemic

WHO made an emergency statement on the further development of coronavirus. Experts said that situation may become critical and there’s no evidence that the number of infected people will reduce. Also, the experts believe that the death rate may drastically…

By Cindy
In Other
October 23, 2020

7 signs of an inadequate partner on a dating app

You see something similar – it’s better to swipe to the left. Count how many dead dialogues you have on Tinder. And then estimate the number of unsuccessful dates that ended up ignoring the interlocutor or adding to the blacklist….

By Cindy
October 22, 2020

US COVID-19 vaccine trial triggers unknown disease

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has announced that trials of a newly developed coronavirus vaccine will soon be suspended due to the discovery of an unknown disease in one of the volunteers. The volunteer lives in the UK and has agreed to…

By Cindy
In Other
October 22, 2020

14 subtle signs you’re in a healthy relationship

Recently, the media has been talking more and more about the signs of toxic relationships – which, of course, is useful and important. A much nicer thread appeared on Reddit: @ 2020Chapter asked what actions and gestures show that you…

By Cindy
October 21, 2020

COVID-19 destroys brain: new symptoms

Recent studies showed that there are more negative coronavirus consequences than scientists thought. Thus, scientists announced “fog” in the head as a new symptom of brain destruction. Acute infection obstructs critical thinking. The virus is able to damage neurons and…

By Cindy
In Other
October 21, 2020

7 reasons why you don’t get calls after your first date

This does not mean that you did something wrong. It seems to you that the meeting went well and a spark has definitely flashed between you. But a day passes, the second, the third, and the person does not call,…

By Cindy
October 20, 2020

Lifetime of coronavirus on money and phones named

Experts from Australia have published the results of another study. Their discovery scared many, because scientists managed to find out that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that provokes the coronavirus, can remain viable on some surfaces for 28 days. These included glass…

By Cindy
In Other
October 20, 2020

Why it’s time to stop believing in the myth of your soul mate

Is there a chance to meet “that very” person and is it worth looking for him at all. You are probably familiar with the idea of ​​the existence of second halves. Or perhaps you yourself believe that somewhere in the…

By Cindy
October 19, 2020

People who have had coronavirus told about the terrible consequences of the disease

The worst thing about the disease, as it turned out, is not fever or muscle pain, but mental problems. According to Australian filmmaker Mirabai Nicholson-Mikkellar, she faced “brain fog.” Mental work is now too difficult for a woman. Quite a…

By Cindy
In Other
October 19, 2020