How to get to work on Tinder: what to do if online dating is no longer fun

Maybe you’re dating burnout and it’s time to practice an intuitive approach to dating. Dating apps have been designed to make it easier for us to find partners. Moreover, it is essential: you do not need to talk to people…

By Cindy
November 2, 2020

Experimental coronavirus vaccine caused unknown disease in volunteer

Johnson & Johnson announced that clinical trials of their coronavirus vaccine will be temporarily stopped. The reason is new unknown disease that appeared in one volunteer. The company didn’t give any other comments. Scientist, who was involved in trials, was…

By Cindy
In Other
November 2, 2020

Polyamory: answers to essential questions about non-monogamous love

Polyamory does not mean promiscuous sex at all – everything is much more complicated. What is the difference between polyamory and cheating The first is that all people involved in such a relationship consciously agree to them. Nobody breaks agreements,…

By Cindy
November 1, 2020

Experts said how long we will be using protective masks

Scientists noted that protective mask is the best protection without any alternative. Sone experts believe that even after mass vaccination people will continue to wear masks. American authorities continue to call people for wearing protective masks in all public places….

By Cindy
In Other
November 1, 2020

6 steps after a breakup that will save you from mistakes in a new relationship

Before looking for love, you have to learn to live alone and work on yourself. End your previous relationship If you moved things to another apartment, put a divorce stamp in your passport, or officially announced the separation on social…

By Cindy
October 31, 2020

COVID-19 vaccine won’t get us back to normal life

British scientists concluded that even the most effective vaccine won’t abandon quarantine measures. The world hopes to get back to normal life in spring 2021, as all companies have to release their vaccines that are being tested now. But scientists…

By Cindy
In Other
October 31, 2020

10 most important things we can do for loved ones

Become a reliable support for those who are dear to you. Life is, first of all, the people who surround us. There must be several people nearby who saw us in unpleasant, awkward situations and still continue to support us….

By Cindy
October 30, 2020

COVID-19 and flu: what if they attack simultaneously

This year the period of flu fully coincides with the pandemic, which only worsens the situation. Experts have already thought how to deal with this situation. All quarantine measures, of course, affect the flu. But still, any restrictions release may…

By Cindy
In Other
October 30, 2020

Divorce at night: why happy couples don’t sleep together and is it right for you

Sleeping in different beds does not always indicate relationship problems. And sometimes it can even strengthen a marriage. If you are a couple, you should sleep together. This idea seems so correct and natural that you probably never even thought…

By Cindy
October 29, 2020

Coronavirus may disappear on its own: academician’s unexpected statement

The scientist stated that, purely theoretically, the virus is capable of disappearing over time by itself. A mutation can occur that will lead to the death of the genome itself. True, the probability of such an outcome of events is…

By Cindy
In Other
October 29, 2020