Coronavirus may disappear on its own: academician’s unexpected statement

The scientist stated that, purely theoretically, the virus is capable of disappearing over time by itself. A mutation can occur that will lead to the death of the genome itself. True, the probability of such an outcome of events is extremely small.

So far, the vaccine is the only protective measure that will actually be effective. However, if we talk about the long term, it may happen that the virus disappears abruptly.

The end of the coronavirus epidemic may be the same as in the case of its brother – SARS-1. In 2002, the virus appeared abruptly, and already in 2004 there was practically nothing left of it.

There is another theory that is completely opposite to the first. So, over time, the virus can begin to adapt and become more dangerous. Currently, the coronavirus is actively changing: its infectiousness is increasing, but the level of danger, fortunately, remains the same.

Vaccination will help reduce the sensitivity of the human body to the virus, but further developments are not under people’s control. The most likely scenario is that the strain will overwhelm from time to time, like the flu, but humans will already have effective defenses. The return of people to their former life is expected at the end of 2021. Over the next year, countries should carry out mass vaccinations.

By Cindy
In Other
October 29, 2020

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