What is showmansing and why you shouldn’t flaunt your relationship

Another problem that appeared thanks to the Internet. What is showmansing Showmansing is literally a showcase of a relationship. Initially, the term was applied only to stars and media personalities who declared love and parting publicly and willingly posed for…

By Cindy
November 7, 2020

Thousand of health workers around the world signed a petition against quarantine

A petition against quarantine measures appeared on the web on October 13, 2020. It was signed by 23 thousand doctors and 9 thousand specialists of health care. They believe quarantine affects all spheres of everyday life. 400 thousand people, who…

By Cindy
In Other
November 7, 2020

Wuhan’s hospitals admitted patients with COVID-19 symptoms in September 2019

Hospitals in Wuhan started to admit people with COVID-19 symptoms in September 2019. This is several months before the official announcement of pandemic. In the revealed documents experts found that at least one patient was recovered. Most likely, COVID-19 wasn’t…

By Cindy
In Other
November 6, 2020

3 ways to get rid of a tiring relationship

Love, help and listen to the loved ones is great. But it’s not at all great when relationships lead to a dead end and drown in negativity. Three simple tricks will help break the poisonous bond. Visualization “Partial rope breakage”…

By Cindy
November 6, 2020

Hair loss and hearing loss: new unusual COVID-19 symptoms

Common COVID-19 symptoms are well-known. The main are high temperature, cough, smell and taste loss, breathing problems. But after numerous observations, doctors called other symptoms. Experts from King’s College London announced that symptoms can differ significantly in children and adults….

By Cindy
In Other
November 5, 2020

How to accept your partner’s flaws

Think about how they relate to the traits you like. As soon as the heady sensation of a new love disappears and the object of our feelings ceases to seem the height of perfection, we find that there is at…

By Cindy
November 5, 2020

Iranian prophet said that billion people could die of COVID-19

The second wave of COVID-19 has come. According to different predictions, it’s going to be more dangerous than the first one. Today, more that 40 million people are infected, 1,11 million are dead. The death rate isn’t very high, but…

By Cindy
In Other
November 4, 2020

What happens to people in long-term relationships: 5 scientifically proven facts

The other half can affect the way we talk, move, and look. They come up with their own idioms In pairs, internal phraseological units appear that have no meaning for outsiders. The language of the “initiates” is a sure sign…

By Cindy
November 4, 2020

3 symptoms of unhealthy communication in a couple

Check your relationship and find out how to fix it. Even the most harmonious relationship cannot do without conflict and friction. Arguing and being offended is normal, this does not mean that everything goes wrong in a couple. But so…

By Cindy
November 3, 2020

Scientists say there will be no herd immunity from Covid-19

At the beginning of the epidemic, it was believed that in order to defeat an invisible enemy, it was necessary that most of the world’s population had been ill with coronavirus. Then, allegedly, collective immunity will appear, the virus will…

By Cindy
In Other
November 3, 2020

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