Author Archives: Cindy
What to do if you broke up, but have to see each other every day
These tips will help you maintain your composure if you have to work or study with a former partner. It’s good when you can distance yourself from your ex-partner and your ended relationship once and for all. But this becomes…
Serious consequences of even mild form of Covid-19 named
In the course of numerous studies aimed at studying the effect of coronavirus, the consequences of infection have been determined. So, according to the findings of scientists, patients have a significantly higher chance of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In…
Covid-19 mutations delay vaccine release: Chinese scientists give a clear answer
New Chinese research has calmed the entire world. It was found that regularly occurring mutations of the coronavirus do not affect the development of a vaccine against this infection. The research results were announced by Tian Baogo from the Ministry…
14 financial issues to discuss in a serious relationship
Compare views on family budget, separation of duties, and children. What will be your family budget A key question that will determine the financial climate in the family. You can keep shared or separate budgets – all of these strategies…
Is it normal that a loved one infuriates you, and how to deal with it
Annoyance can be good for your relationship. He again did not close the tube of toothpaste or lower the lid of the toilet bowl, and it took too long to get ready or to transfer important documents somewhere. It seems…
Women suffer less from coronavirus: scientists explain why
A new survey found that women are more concerned about maintaining quarantine measures than men: they are more likely to wear a mask and keep a meter and a half distance. The survey was conducted by the Bocconi University (Italy)….
Scientists called the fastest way of COVID-19 transmission
Scientists concluded that singing promotes not only COVID-19, but other viruses’ transmission. The reason is aerosol particles and droplets that people breathe out while singing. Thus, singing is the worst thing a person can do for the environment. There are…
10 ways to ask for forgiveness that will only make things worse
Better no apology than insincere. Sorry is not a magic spell. By itself, it does not heal grievances and does not correct the situation. Therefore, it is not enough just to ask for forgiveness, it is important to do it…
Chinese virologist said COVID-19 was created in military laboratory
One of the Chinese scientists published new study in which she claimed that the coronavirus was created artificially in the military laboratory. Dr. Li Meng-Yang, who is a virology specialist, published an article in the public domain. This article showed…
What is fleabagging and how to stop doing this
A new name for a familiar story when you choose the wrong partners. What is the essence of fleabagging A person chooses the wrong partners over and over again. Moreover, she often understands this perfectly, but still continues to get…