An infectious disease specialist told how not to get infected with the coronavirus Covid-19
Infectious diseases professor Grad Medley from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, spoke about the prevention, in his opinion, that would save him from coronavirus.
So, you should definitely wear medical masks, carefully monitor hand hygiene, but the main thing is to change your attitude to the disease.
Medley said that all healthy people should behave as if they were already infected and at the same time do everything so as not to infect others. This method will make us all change our usual behavior, we will try not to spread the virus. Think about your near and dear ones, with whom you are in daily contact, because you don’t want to infect them? – the doctor notes.
According to studies, the incubation period of coronavirus lasts 2-3 weeks, so the doctor’s advice can be considered working. Indeed, in fact, infected people may not know about their illness for a long time, infecting others until they feel certain symptoms, and this is a body temperature above 38 degrees, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, dry cough and a feeling of constriction in the chest.