There is on every table: a product is named that will help in the fight against coronavirus

In ancient times, people were treated exclusively with natural products. Oxford scientists decided to find out what foods can help the body cope faster with the coronavirus.

The research results are interesting: as it turned out, regular honey works more effectively than some antibiotics. Scientists advise to use honey for a stuffy nose, cough and sore throat. This product has turned out to be the most effective remedy in the fight against coronavirus, so antibiotics can be abandoned if the disease proceeds smoothly.

1761 students took part in the experiment. The experts analyzed medical databases and found 14 suitable clinical experiments. Honey has been shown to quickly relieve symptoms of infection, especially in cough relief. The symptoms of the disease went away several days earlier in people who consumed honey.

It is important to note that two experiments took into account the placebo effect, which can be called auto-suggestion. A person tunes in to a positive outcome of events and thus gets better, even if the medications taken are dummies. The placebo effect is highly controversial: it cannot be explained, but the scientific world accepts it.

Honey has antimicrobial properties due to its hydrogen peroxide content. It was this substance that served the fact that in ancient times honey was used instead of local antibiotics. The product is rich in vitamins B, K, E, C and provitamin A. Their benefits are much greater than synthetic vitamins, since they are in combination with natural mineral salts and biogenic amines.

By Cindy
In Other
October 4, 2020

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