Do not be afraid: experts have refuted the popular myth of the coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has been going on for more than six months. Consequently, the specialists have accumulated enough experience and knowledge to check the reliability of some facts about the strain.

The virus cannot be spread through food, according to a statement from Mark Ryan, head of the emergency operations division. This information came after Chinese testers analyzed traces of the pathogen on food and packaging. Also, for six months, not a single evidence has appeared that the infection of a group of people occurred through food.

People may not be afraid of food or its packaging, added a spokesman for the World Health Organization. Ryan additionally noted that people are right at the epicenter of the coronavirus, but they do not realize how small part of the population has had the disease. The virus will continue to spread, and only humans can stop it. Most of the citizens remain susceptible to the strain, so every effort must be made to eliminate the virus.

According to the latest data, more than 21 million cases of the disease have been registered in the world. Deaths were counted 764 697. It was found that, in addition to the lungs, Covid-19 affects other organs, in particular the heart, liver, kidneys and brain. The behavior of the infection defies explanation. In most cases, the strain is mild, but there are many people with complications. They need intensive care.

By Cindy
In Other
September 29, 2020

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