14 signs of how to know that a girl loves you

  1. She calls / writes first.

You stand and do not know: does she love me? Or just wants to muddle over to a new iPhone and disappear into the sunset? If she initiates communication, she is interested in you. She’s bored and doesn’t want to wait for your move. This is a good sign. It’s also cool that she is not shy about demonstrating it. Calls and messages from her are now the norm, she will take the first step herself.

For a girl, her personal time is also valuable. And if you see that she wants to spend it with you, and takes the first steps herself, you can be calm. It means that she is really interested in you and misses communication.

  1. She gives you gifts.

As soon as she begins to destroy the stereotypes that a man should pay for everything, she shows her feelings.

A real relationship is when you both invest in it, including money. Gifts are a way to make you feel good, please. This is a sign of feelings. When selfishness fades into the background, then love begins.

If you see that the gifts were chosen with love, that she spent her efforts on them, it means that it was important for her to please you. And this is a sign of falling in love.

  1. It is invested emotionally.

If a girl loves you, she worries and cares about you. She cares about how your day went. She wants you to share your problems with her. You are now a part of her life. Consider that she wants to ask questions, not because her nose is everywhere. She shows that she loves you.

Note, this means that she thinks about you and worries.

Emotional investment is a very important and indicative factor.

Do not be angry if a woman asks for the second time whether you are coming soon. This is not control. She just worries and is waiting for you.

  1. She takes into account your interests.

Adjusts to your schedule. Understands when you are tired or hungry. Considers what you like and what you don’t. Now you will go to movies that both of you enjoy. And order a cuisine that you approve.

If your interests are now on a par with your own for her, then you are an important person for her. See if your girlfriend has become more attentive and respectful to you.

  1. She worries if you ignore her.

She will be acutely aware of the lack of messages from you when you have a blockage at work. Asking where you disappeared and why you don’t answer. If earlier she reacted calmly, then the girl in love will react to the lack of your attention with experiences.

These are all signs that she is worried and bored. That she cares where you are and what you are doing. Not because she needs to check you for lice.

  1. She will be inspired by you.

After each of your meetings, her mood will rise. She will be grateful to you, will say that she had a good time with you.

If after communication she will have energy, this is a very good sign. So you are feeding her emotionally. It is difficult to refuse such feelings, so she will want to prolong your relationship.

  1. She does not flirt with other men.

As soon as a girl has a feeling of falling in love, another one automatically turns on – loyalty.
She does not look at other men, does not try to flirt with them. Others no longer exist for her. Only you.

It is important for her to be close to you, and only with you. In the company of other men, she will not take her eyes off you. Girls always want to please everyone, but the lover will focus on you. This is the most obvious sign by which you can determine the depth of her feelings.

  1. She is afraid of losing you.

She has become somewhat more open. Openly demonstrates that you are dear to her. In a quarrel, she does not say that you need to break up. She will rather try to make concessions and find a number of compromises.

Now giving in and accepting defeat is a normal way out for her, because she value a good relationship with you. Take a closer look at how your girlfriend behaves.

  1. She surrounds you with care and attention.

Worries when you leave work late, calls. It will be important to her whether your meeting went well, what was discussed at it. She will cook the food you asked for and collect the socks you threw away when you were in a hurry.

She will try to do everything to make you feel good and comfortable with her. She will begin to invest her feminine contribution in relationships. Caring for you is now part of her day schedule.

  1. She will help you.

When a girl loves, she stops separating “me” and “you”. She will perceive all problems as general. Be interested in the guy’s affairs, try to give advice and even help somehow. You will now become one for her.

She will become your ally and partner in any matter. Even if she cannot do anything concrete, you will feel her moral support. And it’s worth a lot.

  1. She is jealous of you.

Naturally, as soon as a girl has feelings, she becomes jealous. Perhaps she will try to hide this fact from you, but she will be bad at it.

Jealousy speaks of concern and fear of losing. Watch how she feels about your interactions with other girls. If she gets angry or upset, then she has feelings.

  1. She turns a blind eye to your flaws.

And some of them even touch her. She manages to calmly coexist with them. Do not criticize or scandalize.

She will accept you completely and completely. With all the cockroaches.

She will react more calmly to things that would simply infuriate the disliked young lady. Take a closer look and consider that you should behave in a similar way.

  1. She’s not lying to you.

If today she is in a bad mood and does not want to date you, she will tell you about it directly. And he will not invent excuses.

If she doesn’t like your chosen movie, she won’t pretend. The bitter truth will become more frequent in your relationship.

She will become much more frank with you in all matters. Relationships are built on trust. You will see that it will open up to you as much as possible.

  1. She trusts you.

If there is no trust, then there is no intimacy. She won’t go into your phone if you are late at work. She does not monitor your social networks or eavesdrop on your conversations. She believes you and understands that since she chose you, she must drop all doubts.

In turn, she can share her experiences with you. For her, you are the closest person.

These are the main symptoms of whether a girl loves you.

By Cindy
September 29, 2020

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