How the weather affects the spread of coronavirus

Experts from Johns Hopkins University conducted a study in which they tried to understand how the weather affects the spread of coronavirus. In the spring, many scientists predicted that the virus would recede with the onset of warmth, and in the fall, when the weather turns cool again, the coronavirus will return to many countries.

And so it happened, but scientists are in no hurry to associate such dynamics only with the weather.

The issues of seasonal variability and differences in transmission of infection in different climatic conditions have long been of concern to scientists. The hypothesis that the virus spreads faster in cold weather has greatly influenced the strategies for combating coronavirus in many countries.

Also, people, frightened by the variability of the virus, panic in advance that the number of cases will increase sharply in the fall. According to the authors of the work, more research is still needed to finally determine if climate, environment and weather conditions affect the spread of COVID-19.

Today, we have no reason to believe that the contagiousness of the virus is somehow related to temperature or humidity. There is also no evidence that rain, wind, or vice versa, clear, sunny weather affects the rate of spread of the virus, the scientists write.
Nevertheless, scientists continue to investigate this relationship, since there is no definite answer to this question.

One of the reasons the coronavirus spread more slowly in the summer could be due to ultraviolet radiation.

By Cindy
In Other
September 23, 2020

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