It’s time to figure it out.
Why don’t girls pay attention to me, why don’t they love me, and what should I do to please them? Almost every man on Earth has asked these three fundamental questions, but not everyone has found the answer.
Now everything has become much easier, because you have Playboy Russia with a bunch of useful guides in which you can find answers to almost all questions in the field of relations between a man and a woman.
This time we decided to figure out why girls don’t pay attention to some guys. If you see yourself in at least one of the presented tips, this is already a big step on the way to conquering women’s hearts.
- Get started on Instagram
So, listen, if you still haven’t got a bright profile on Instagram, this urgently needs to be corrected. It’s 2020 – it’s time to end the Instagram dissidence that was once characteristic of some guys who deny any activity on social networks.
Instagram is the business card of any modern person, with which you can get a comprehensive first impression. If at the same time the profile is conceptual, with good content and a sufficient number of subscribers, girls will definitely pay their attention to it (and, perhaps, even write first).
Indeed, today, acquaintances happen not only on the street or in public transport. The world is transforming and making its own adjustments to the rules of the game. Rejecting them is pointless.
- Take a closer look at your style
Appearance is another key aspect of a man’s attractiveness and interestingness, which is the first thing girls pay attention to. If you did not attach any importance to your style and are used to going out into the street in the first rags you come across, we advise you to slow down.
To get the feminine endorsement, you definitely need to update your wardrobe. Pay special attention to shoes, because it is from them that your appearance is assessed. Shoes should be clean, new and stylish. Pants, T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, coats, jackets and other clothing should have the same properties.
Well, don’t forget about the compatibility of colors and styles. If you don’t understand anything about this, use the ready-made options – look in the catalogs of cool brands and notice how the models are dressed there. Then everything will become clear at once.
- Don’t forget about self-confidence
Here’s a simple everyday truth for you: a person looks organically in space if he is confident in himself. Moreover, it does not matter at all who evaluates this organic matter from the outside – a man or a woman. Self-confidence is a universal attribute that gives weight, beauty and strength to any person.

An uncertain person is distinguished by lowered eyes, a crumpled gait, a stoop, a low voice, an inability to stop fiddling with his hands, and a few more nervous gestures, such as stroking his neck and covering his mouth with his hand regularly during a conversation.
To become a truly confident person, you need to respect yourself. This is achieved through regular achievements in important areas of your life. For example, if you have a good job, you paint great pictures and you ride a bike cool – confidence should be in your pocket.
- But don’t be overconfident
However, you shouldn’t overdo it here, because excessive self-confidence can be repulsive. Some guys, hoping to appear confident, become stupidly arrogant and arrogant, emphasizing this with their chin raised to the sky.
Firstly, with this head position it is very difficult to make out the interlocutor, and secondly, such guys immediately resemble characters from American comedies who think they are cool, and then get kicked in the balls.
- And don’t seem like someone else
Here’s another everyday truth for you: sincerity wins over. There is no need to pretend to be a successful businessman with several foreign cars (which are now in a car service) and country villas (which are currently being renovated).
Be yourself and don’t even try to act out the role of a non-existent person. If you are not a professional actor of the level of Ostap Bender, your falsity will break out and it will become impossible to hide it.
At the first communication, the girl will definitely appreciate it, and later will not be disappointed when she learns that you are not a businessman with foreign cars and real estate.
- Try to be versatile
You need to be good at communicating in order to appear interesting and attractive. However, no communication will work if the guy only talks about how exciting it is to repair a car in the garage.
Ideally, your cultural background and horizons should be limitless. Put in your head knowledge from the fields of history, cinema, music, science, fine arts, politics, breaking news and so on.
The more you find them, the more likely you will be able to find common ground with the girl you like. Just don’t seem like a know-it-all, trumpeting with superficial scraps of clever information that you heard on some podcast.
If you’ve heard something smart on a podcast, just say, “I just heard a smart thought on one podcast.” This is a conversation about sincerity, by the way.
- Never be intrusive
But all your merits in the field of confidence, culture, sincerity and neatness can once and for all erase obsession. When a guy crosses the barrier behind which obsession begins, it is already very difficult to return to the previous communication.
Obsession is repulsive, depressing, disappointing, and colossal, even though you’ve collected all the previous checkboxes and become a nice young man for girls.
The obsessive guy becomes the one who responds to one girl’s message with ten. At some point, she realizes that something is wrong here and begins to respond less often. When there are already 20 messages of a guy for one of her messages, you can safely make a verdict.
Do not allow such an outcome of events under any circumstances. Be patient and don’t lose your head.