Nadoyelo odinochestvo? Seychas budem eto ispravlyat’. Itak, ty vzroslyy chelovek, u kotorogo vse yest’ (nu, ili pochti vse), no net samogo glavnogo — vernoy sputnitsy zhizni. Poetomu posledneye vremya ty ochen’ chasto zadayesh’sya voprosom: «Kak nayti khoroshuyu zhenu, chtoby zhit’ s ney dolgo i schastlivo?». Yesli eto tak, pozdravlyayem! Ty nabrel na poleznoye rukovodstvo kholostyaka, kotoroye napravit tebya na put’ istinnyy i pomozhet nayti svoyu lyubov’. Ne budem tyanut’ vremya i srazu pereydem k delu. Gde nayti khoroshuyu zhenu: 5 osnovnykh prostranstv dlya znakomstv K sozhaleniyu, u menya net ofitsial’noy statistiki, kotoraya by pokazyvala, gde imenno khodyat khoroshiye zheny, a gde — rokovyye zhenshchiny, kotoryye razob’yut tebe serdtse. Poetomu kazhdyy sluchay individualen i svoyu budushchuyu sputnitsu ty mozhesh’ vstretit’ bukval’no vezde — ot metro i letney terrasy restorana do biblioteki i probki na doroge. Odnako ya vse-taki voz’mu na sebya otvetstvennost’ i posovetuyu tebe neskol’ko mest, gde k devushkam stoit kak sleduyet prismotret’sya.Развернуть999/5000Tired of being alone? Now we will fix it.
So, you are an adult who has everything (well, or almost everything), but does not have the most important thing – a faithful life partner. Therefore, lately you very often ask the question: “How to find a good wife to live happily ever after with her?”
If so, congratulations! You have come across a helpful bachelor’s guide that will guide you on the right path and help you find your love.
Let’s not waste time and get down to business right away.
Where to find a good wife: 5 essential dating spaces
Unfortunately, I do not have official statistics that would show exactly where good wives go, and where are fatal women who will break your heart. Therefore, each case is individual and you can meet your future companion literally everywhere – from the subway and the summer terrace of the restaurant to the library and traffic jams.
However, I will still take responsibility and advise you on a few places where you should take a good look at girls.
- Gym
Let’s go straight with the trump cards. The gym is one of the most suitable places to start looking for your future companion. At the very least, you can appreciate her physical skills, and she yours.

Plus, it’s very easy to start a conversation with someone in the gym. You can just walk up to a girl and say that she has cool dice on the abs and admire her willpower.
Or say, “If you want, I can insure you while you are doing this exercise,” or “You are so good at this exercise. Can you show me how to do it correctly? “
If the girl does not show interest, you should not go on and insist on dating, this violates the person’s personal boundaries.
- Work
According to the rules of corporate ethics, romantic relationships between colleagues are not desirable (and in some companies it is even prohibited).
If you work in a place where everything is permitted, you can take a closer look at the girls around you and try to get closer. However, in any case, you should analyze before this, whether there will be an imbalance of power between you. Do not start flirting with a girl who is below you in rank and somehow depends on you at work. Albeit subconsciously, it will still affect your relationship with her and, in particular, her decisions.
Are you convinced that everything is fine, you are not the boss, she is not a subordinate, you are from different departments and in approximately the same positions? Well, it won’t be very difficult to build communication between you, because you work in one place, which means that one way or another you often intersect. Talk to her in the dining room, by the porch, or in the elevator. You probably have common themes! If you know where she sits, you can put a fresh croissant from a coffee shop with a note on her workplace in the morning.
- Public transport
Some fateful meetings often happen by chance. Therefore, there is no more random meeting place than public transport. However, starting a conversation with a girl on the subway or bus is much more difficult than in other places. Here it is necessary to show ingenuity and delicacy.

Remember that meeting girls on public transport is not worth it late at night when there are few people around. At such a time, few people feel comfortable, you can scare her a lot.
- The surroundings of your house
Oddly enough, you can get to know your future wife not far from home or even in your own entrance. Let this be a bit archaic way, which is included in the category of exceptions, but, as we have already mentioned, your fate can be found in the most random place.
For example, from time to time you notice a girl walking her dog in a nearby park. If you sometimes intersect, it will be easier for you to start a conversation, so to speak, in a neighborly manner.
- Online
Well, and do not forget about the place specially created for dating, meeting and searching for partners for any kind of activity. Thanks to social networks, millions of couples have come together in the world and built strong families. So why don’t you join their ranks?
The convenience of online dating lies in the fact that there are special portals and services on its expanses, where people purposefully go to find partners, and also often write their goals in their profiles so as not to waste their own and other people’s time (do not neglect this, too).

It is much easier to start a conversation online than on public transport, in the park, or even in the gym. There is always time to think and be original.
If you want to resort to this type of dating, edit your page on one of the social networks (or create a new one) and go for it.
What should be your future wife?
- Independence (financial and not only)
- Rationality
- Shared goals and vision for the future
- The ability to stand up for yourself
How to behave with a girl?
Finally, let me remind you of a few iron rules that must be followed when communicating with a girl in order to build a strong relationship with her.
Do not forget to be sincerely interested in her life, constantly get to know her even better in order to understand and accept for who she is.
Try to always be open, sincere and honest. A good relationship happens when both partners can trust each other and share their innermost experiences. In short, be yourself, no matter how trite it sounds.
Make an effort to make her feel comfortable with you. Listen to her comments, requests and desires. I also advise you to become more responsible for the feelings of the other person you have chosen as your life partner.