In a world where modern technology helps to find a pair in one click, one should not expect deep feelings.
You will be confused a thousand times before you realize that she is the one. The choice is too great, but if you are the lucky one who could see your only one among the endless series of lips, hair and legs … I advise you to act!
- The will to win
A girl, like you, can easily get lost in a whirlwind of faces and superficial acquaintances, not remember or simply not know about your existence. In such a situation, persistence will help you.
Wish her good morning and good night, after a hundred refusals, call her out on a date for the 101st time. It is important for women to know that it is she who is interesting to you: her smile, interests, manner of speaking. However, don’t overuse: words and actions shouldn’t look manic.
- Instead of a thousand words
Women have special contempt for barren flowers: those who promise mountains of gold, a million scarlet roses and other stars from the sky, but in reality will not collect a cart of lilacs. I dare to quote observations from my own life.

One says, “I chose you.” So it will disappear forever in a week. Second: “And let’s call our son Danny.” Two weeks later, he doesn’t answer calls and you lose interest. Third: “Shall we go to Europe?” After three weeks of dating, he blocks you on social networks.
Love the action, not the conversation. We can chat with a friend, but the man wants to believe.
- Scarlet flower
One of the hardest parts of dating is choosing gifts. The most important thing here is to remember some little thing from your conversations and then play it beautifully.
Is she talking about the cakes she loved as a child? Send her a confectionery treat straight to work. Says she’s starting to forget Spanish? Present Marquez in the original. There will be plenty of chances to please if you start listening to her.
- Feed
So be it, I will reveal our main secret, for which I will most likely be expelled from the women’s community forever. All women love to eat. They love very much. Moreover, absolutely everyone, including skinny women, athletes and even beautiful princesses.

Invite her to take a gastronomic trip to restaurants. During dinner, topics of conversation will start by themselves, and there will be a chance to conquer her with your charm.
- Praise
A well-known axiom – women love with their ears, almost as much as they love to eat. But there are several nuances here. You shouldn’t be corny praising her eyes and lips or stoop to vulgarity. If you hear for the thousandth time that you have beautiful legs, you won’t notice the next time.
Psychologists have proven that the more unusual the compliment, the better it will be remembered. Note her sense of style, accessories (these are all her jewelry), manicure (these are the polish on her hands) or her clutch (small envelope-shaped handbag). And on Friday night in the bar, you can praise her butt, it will even be appropriate.
- The effect of presence
Her car broke down, she was tired at work, her friend offended her – all these circumstances, oddly enough, will help you become closer to you. The ability to listen and hear is the trump card of all gentlemen. Personal support is more appreciated, but if you are very busy, even a reassuring message will suffice. Everyone loves to be listened to, whatever one may say.

Of course, if you are fabulously rich, you can fill her with bouquets, give her a car and an apartment. However, really worthy women are one step above commercialism and are frankly tired of such characters.