Recently, there was a discussion in which women shared their thoughts about what men so often brag about, but do not make any impression.
Most agreed that guys should finally stop being proud of their expensive cars. After all, no one is going to sleep or live with a car. But, as it turned out, in addition to wheelbarrows, men still have many complexes, from which it is time for them to get rid of.
On this occasion, I have compiled a list of eight things that you think women expect from men, but in reality they are not.
Naturally, different women are attracted by completely different things, so I cannot give completely universal answers. But, perhaps, on the list you will find things that you are very worried about, despite the fact that women are, in general, not important.
- Expensive car
In most cases, the girls were completely indifferent to what kind of car a man had. One of the users of Twitter even said: “I absolutely do not care if it is a Huyndai Sonata or a Rolls Royce, the main thing is that the cabin is clean.”
- Inflated body

One of the participants in the discussion wrote: “I recently spoke with a guy who was convinced that all the women around him were crazy about his biceps and abs. But everything he worked on in the gym was at the expense of his lower body. Therefore, I could not understand at all how his legs were holding his torso. “
Based on the responses of many girls, guys don’t have to be super pumped. It is enough just to have proportional arms and legs.
- Enormous manhood
In order to fix this problem once and for all:
“Before I met my husband, I slept with a dude who complained all the time and even apologized for the size of his cock. But the fact is that everything suited me! No problem! I was naked and ready for anything! I’m glad to do this to you dude! Let’s do it now, please! Come on! But he was so upset and devastated by how bad his perfectly normal penis was that he ruined all the pleasure I could get from this evening. At first I tried to calm him down and tell him that everything was fine. But soon I just gave up. I understand that it completely sucks – to feel so insecure, but I’m not ready to perform the function of an emotional tampon, it’s not fair. “
- Love for children

Guys really don’t have to squeeze out their love for children. The term “childfree” has long appeared in the modern world. Therefore, you are free to love anyone and anything. For example, beer.
- Brutality
“Yes, that’s cool, you’re strong. But no one wants to deal with a person who has only two emotions – anger and happiness. Guys, it’s totally okay to cry and be nice to your girls. I respect every man I have seen crying. “
- Important work

“In the field of IT, I saw many men who walk all week with their heads up and are proud of their position as a merit to their fatherland. It is, of course, cool when you like what you do. But when I hear that you work so hard, I involuntarily start to wonder if we can meet at all. Therefore, work-life balance is very important. ”
- Wealth
You should know that there are girls who call themselves that – kept women. They set themselves the goal – to find a rich man. But this does not mean that all girls want only one thing from you.
“I don’t know how many men in the world adhere to this position, but from relationships like“ I will take care of you ”I am tempted to puke. Supporting is perfectly normal, but I also have a job, and I will always have it. So be my boyfriend and not the only breadwinner. “
- Hairiness

Do not hide the fact that you are bald. It doesn’t depend on you at all. Therefore, you do not need to hide your balding head all the time under a hat or under a strange hairstyle with combed hair. Be yourself.