Let’s be realistic: this verbal skill is perhaps even more important, so if you don’t know it, the chances of going into an intimate relationship with a hot beauty are drastically reduced.

In addition, the scope of compliments is much wider than some people think. One problem – how and what to say to girls? When, with what frequency and intonation?

Well, there are much more than one nuance, so let’s talk about all of them in order.

Before we get into talking about what to say, let’s discuss how to do it.

  1. Nothing will work without sincerity

Perhaps this is the most important of the rules. If your words are false, the compliment is more likely to spoil the girl’s impression of you than improve. So if you do not believe in what you are saying, you better keep silent.

And be sure to make sure that your compliment doesn’t sound like flattery, because being known as a sucker is clearly not the effect you want to achieve.

  1. Forget about stamps. Once and for all

Believe me, many girls know a lot more compliments than you, and some of them have already heard about twenty times. And what once seemed original and worked has lost its power after repeated use.

Using stamping, you run the risk, at least, to seem banal, and at the most, to cause irritation.

  1. Intonation is more important than it seems

A compliment cannot be mumbled, made with hesitation and an uncertain voice. So you risk making the girl doubt your sincerity (see point 1).

If necessary, rehearse how you will speak. Try to sound confident, calm and friendly.

  1. Don’t forget about measure

Abuse is always bad, and compliments are too. When there are too many of them, they lose their power and start working against you, so do not more than one compliment per conversation, and preferably in one day.

  1. Choose the right time to compliment

Even the smartest compliment, said at the wrong time, is a no-shot, and if the moment is completely unfortunate, then it is completely traumatic for you.

Make sure that the lady whom you are going to make happy with your compliment does not save the world at this moment and does not signal with a glance to others that she will kill everyone who now comes closer than five meters to her. An appropriate compliment is the only kind of compliment that works.

  1. A must-have ingredient is a smile

As sincere as the compliment itself. The main thing is to make sure that your smile, as well as the compliment, does not exactly look like a mockery.

  1. The magic of exclusivity

It’s not enough to come up with a compliment yourself, aerobatics – to personalize it as much as possible for the person you are giving it to. Because “eyes like stars” theoretically can be for everyone.

But “in the light, your gaze from Americano turns into cappuccino” may not be the best example, but at least it says that you carefully observe the eyes of your interlocutor and come up with unexpected analogies (the main thing is that they are pleasant and relevant).

And you can and even SHOULD praise what the girl put her efforts to – the work done, the qualities of character developed, the products of her creativity, her pet and much more.

  1. Brevity is the sister of talent

The Internet can generously share with you a thousand pieces of any size – from three words to three thousand characters – both in prose and in poetry. We will not speak for all the girls, but many of the huge and poetic compliments now seem strange and even creepy.

Confusing, complex compliments, and even with hidden subtext, always run the risk of being misunderstood and causing embarrassment, or even offending. So don’t go overboard if you want to impress.

Short compliments to girls for all occasions: practical advice

I hasten to upset you: I will not give you a list of ready-made exclusive and one hundred percent working compliments. And do not believe the one who says that he has such – their compliments, most likely, have already been in use and it is not a fact that they will be equally well received by all women, without exception.

Instead, I will show you how to correctly compose non-trivial compliments that will most likely be pleasant to your interlocutor.

  • On the street

Although in this situation your compliment will inevitably be associated with appearance (due to lack of data on other features of the lady), but still try to be original.

At the same time, do not go too far: do not praise her clothes or accessories as if you want the same for yourself, and do not accidentally counter-compliment her (“You just have a dazzling smile! Did you whiten your teeth?”).

  • In a club or bar

Compliments in this place are perhaps more appropriate than in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, but do not forget about a few nuances. Yes, you drink alcohol and, perhaps, will spend this night together, but this does not mean at all that you should start your acquaintance with vulgarity.

Make sure that the girl you are going to compliment has not come to this establishment with a couple and has not yet had time to start communicating with another, intending to continue acquaintance with him. And yet – in addition to her appearance in this situation, you can also praise the way she dances.

  • In gym

If it seems to you that all the girls go to the gym to lose weight, and a compliment that her weight has decreased would be appropriate, then no. People lose weight for various, not always positive reasons, therefore, in the gym and in any other place, it is better not to take risks with this topic.

But if you have been studying together for some time and you noticed her progress, then why not tell her about it? Some girls (I emphasize – not all), with whom you communicate in a friendly way, can be complimented on the appearance of their arms, legs, abs (but certainly not buttocks).

  • In the Internet

If your hands are itching to make CTR + C and CTR + V with some gorgeous someone else’s compliment, I advise you to think twice about whether the girl received the exact same message, and more than once.

The best way to compliment is based on the information that the girl posts on social networks. Praise her taste, hobbies, or interests.

By the way, your compliment might be cool – why not? The main thing is that she appreciates your sense of humor, and does not take offense.

By Cindy
July 30, 2020

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