How to find the very key to her heart?

When we start to wonder how to care for a girl so that she falls in love, an old set involuntarily creeps into my head: flowers, sweets and languid whispering “I will give you a star …”

Well, I don’t argue: for some ladies such a promise is enough to be submissive, and for others to fall in love with you completely and irrevocably, you do not need anything except your charming smile.

Because when it comes to feelings, the way they arise is for everyone a mystery shrouded in darkness. However, there are a few general explanatory tips on how to properly care for a girl in order to maximize their chances of reciprocity.

So, you have not yet officially met, but have already met and chatted. A start has been made, and here are a few ways to enhance her positive impression of you.

  1. Be yourself

If you want to build a relationship with a girl (maybe even serious), then already at the very first stage we advise you to forget about stamps, tackles and “pick-up things” from the Internet. Because, firstly, there is a risk that the girl has already used the “call” you have heard, and this will make her doubt your originality.

And secondly, playing the “mysterious and tough” guy will prevent her from getting to know you better and can be misleading. After all, who do you want her to fall in love with – you or the illusion you created?

  1. Do not forget about compliments

Do them sincerely and, again, do not use other people’s blanks!

  1. Do not be afraid to joke

The girl, even the most beautiful, is the same person as you, and not averse to laughing heartily. Moreover, ladies often call a good sense of humor one of the most attractive features in men.

The main thing here is to carefully approach the choice of topics for jokes and not accidentally offend the interlocutor. Therefore, until you find out what exactly she does not like and hurts, try to choose the most neutral (but still funny) jokes.

  1. Invite to places, interesting for her

There is nothing wrong with gatherings in cafes and walks in the park. But it is not enough exciting, as well as memorable. Therefore, at the courtship stage, try to invite the girl to a place interesting for her.

It can be watching a movie of her favorite director, a go-kart club if she likes cars, or an exhibition of “that same artist.” Such an idea for a date is good for at least two reasons: she will appreciate the fact that you are aware of her hobbies, and you will have less chance of being refused.

  1. Give original and appropriate gifts

The theme of gifts is very sensitive and individual. But in any case, do not give too expensive a gift: at least, it will make her feel awkward, and it is possible that she will offend if this gesture is interpreted incorrectly.

Just like in the case of dating – take away from her hobbies. Let it be a trifle, but it’s “for her” – finding the perfect gift will take a little time and effort, but if you really like the girl, then we think it won’t scare you.

  1. Do not break borders

When you are in love, you want to quickly make sure of reciprocity and move on to the next stage of the relationship. We understand, but still advise you not to rush. Carefully observe the girl’s reaction to your tactful attempts to establish tactile contact and reduce the distance – if she is not yet ready to rush into your arms, wait a bit and she will appreciate the fact that you respect her speed of approaching a new person.

  1. Surprise

In books and the Internet there are lots of tips on what you need to do to win a girl. And this article is no exception. But this is your relationship and your rules – don’t be afraid to experiment!

An unusual joint leisure, an extraordinary (but acceptable) topic for conversation – the more interesting she will be with you and the more vivid emotions she will receive from your conversation, the more often she will think about you.

  1. Show your interest

Do you like her? Let her know this. And not only with constant praises and the same questions: “How are you? What are you doing? ”, But also because you remember her hobbies, preferences and statements.

Absolutely all people: both girls and boys – want to be heard, and everyone is pleased when someone remembers something important for them and shows interest in the events taking place in his or her life. This is called sensitivity and mindfulness. And this is awesome.

By Cindy
July 2, 2020

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