Doctors reported on the general condition of coronavirus vaccine testers

An anesthetist-resuscitator noted that those, who take part in vaccine testing, haven’t faced any negative consequences.

Doctors examine vaccine volunteers regularly. “Their state of health is good, they don’t complain. Temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration are normal”.

Now, volunteers observe strict quarantine. Specialists examine their blood pressure, temperature and injection site several times per day. Volunteers don’t have any adverse reactions to the potential cure.

On June 18, Russian vaccine tests have started – 9 volunteers got one vaccine component, another 9 got other component.

5 days later, according to the first test results, the second group got the injection. The volunteers themselves reported on the absence of any side-effects. They compared the injection with a dose of vitamins.

By Cindy
In Other
June 29, 2020

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