Now we will deal with this issue once and for all.
Once you had a great relationship, you enjoyed each other, endlessly spent time together and felt that no one could separate you. However, at some point, everything got out of control, and you made a joint decision to leave for one reason or another.
Time passed, and at one fine moment you suddenly realized that everything that was after this did not compare with what it was before. And now you have an obsessive thought that you need to try to reunite again.
Naturally, you’ve heard a hundred times that returning to your ex is not a good idea. However, in reality, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance.
In this article I will tell you whether it is normal to return to your ex if you had an irresistible desire to do this.
- So, is it worth it?
In fact, it is always a very individual question, which cannot be answered unequivocally with yes or no. Therefore, in order to understand for yourself whether you really need to renew this relationship, you should ask yourself a few questions.

- Why did you break up?
- Have you overcome the problems that caused your gap?
- Do you want to return the former, because you feel that you have changed and look at many things differently?
- Or because you’re just lonely?
- Do you really want to be with her, or is it just hard for you to meet someone new?
If you can honestly answer these questions to yourself and feel that the idea of restoring your relationship is due to good intentions, and not hopelessness, try to really resume communication with her.
- Start chatting with your ex
If you have already started to communicate, try to find out from each other – what has changed since the moment you were together then, and what action plan you have now. If necessary, it would be useful for each of you to take responsibility for the mistakes of the past and admit that you did wrong then. After that, it should become clear to you whether you are currently ready to truly behave in such a way as to prevent similar failures.
It is worth noting that all these conversations may not be easy for you, because you probably never discussed your parting in detail. Most likely, then you just broke up and decided to stop communicating so that it would be easier for both.
However, now you will need to discuss what happened between you in order to understand once and for all the stories of the past.
And during these conversations, try not to blame your ex in those places where she was wrong. Try to analyze more your own behavior and emotions that once might have been the reason for your breakup.
- Ask your loved ones for advice
Do not forget that in this situation you can take the advice of your relatives (friends, family members), who probably knew your ex before and probably have their own opinion about whether this is a good idea or not.

Gather a few opinions from the outside and analyze how this idea looks from the position of independent observers.
- What else do you need to know about reuniting with your ex
In this case, your main ally will be time, because for sure it has already passed enough for the painful sensations of your break to remain in the past.
Sometimes some young couples turn out to be too young for a serious relationship, so in their case it is best to meet a little later, when they become older and more conscious.
After a certain time, both of you will be able to look at this situation with a fresh look, rethink everything that was before and, perhaps, consider that you were destined to be together (you just had to wait a bit).
However, remember that the idea of restoring relationships is not always successful. It is possible that your ex has already had a new guy with whom she is happy and completely not ready to part with him for your sake. Such an outcome of events is also possible, therefore, before voicing your intentions, objectively assess the situation.