A set of phrases you’ve been waiting for so long.
To find out exactly what you need to tell the girl on the first date is difficult. After all, the first meeting is always delicate balancing. On the one hand, you want to seem interested and attractive, so that she knows that this is a date, not a friendly meeting. On the other hand, you should not be assertive so that she does not think that you are only interested in a one-night relationship. That is why now more than ever it is important to know exactly what words should be said on the first date.
And I’m ready to help you, not with general advice, but with concrete examples of what is worth saying to the girl you want to see on the second date, and then on the third.
- “This dress looks amazing on you”
If you feel the chemistry between you, it is important that the girl with whom you went on a date understand that you like her. In other words, she may feel a similar craving for you, but this is not enough: most likely, she will be pleased to understand that she is also attractive to you.

In general, be sure to give her a compliment. But only sincere and unbanal. By the way, we already wrote how to find the right words.
- “I will call them back later”
According to the study, the use of a mobile phone is the main stumbling block for people who go on dates. Researchers found that about 75% of the first dates were the last if one of the couple answered the phone during the meeting.
Moreover, 66% of the respondents admitted that they do not like it when the meeting is interrupted by the need for the interlocutor to answer the message, and 41% of the respondents said that even just putting the phone on the table with the screen up is rude. Therefore, if an emergency did not happen, put off your business for a couple of hours and thereby demonstrate respect for the person who is sitting opposite you.
- “I know what you mean. It reminds me of a time when I … “
A study by behavioral economist and professor Dan Ariely found that women were more likely to be interested in men who interrupted them on a date. But let’s make a reservation right away: interrupting someone in order to dominate the conversation is unattractive. According to the study mentioned above, successful dates included conversations in which a man skillfully and delicately interrupted a woman to say something that showed that they had a common experience.

For example, a perfect conversation would be if a woman said something like: “I went to the Imagine Dragons concert last summer, they were amazing,” and the man stops her to say, “I envy you so! Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite bands before letting her continue. In other words, inserting your line into her monologue may be a good idea if you do this to show that you are listening carefully to what she says.
- “My family is very important to me”
A good relationship with family or close friends is definitely something worth mentioning on your first date. If you have a warm relationship with family and friends, this indicates that you are capable of reciprocity, necessary for a healthy relationship.
And it strengthens the idea that you are a caring person who is able to have meaningful and long-term relationships. Most importantly, do not be zealous when talking about your mom or any family drama. Such conversations are best reserved until those times when you know each other better.
- “Thank you …” (for a classy evening, for example)
Simple but effective. Courtesy and courtesy is not just a tribute to etiquette, but also one of those qualities in a man that most women want to see in their potential partner.

By the way, your kindness should not be limited only to gallant treatment of a girl. Be polite to waiters, bartenders and everyone with whom you communicate during a date. By showing that you believe that all people are worthy of respect, you will thereby show that you are a good person. By the way, we hope that this is how you behave not only on dates, but also at other times, too.
- “I also love [hiking]. We must somehow do this together. ”
Waiting for the end of date number one to invite a girl to date number two is terribly corny. It is much better to do this at the moment when in the conversation you found some similar interests, and it is on their basis to choose the place and theme of the next meeting.
Such an approach shows that you are really interested in the further development of relations, which will allow the girl to be more likely to agree to continue your communication.