Decided to stay overnight at the girl’s? 5 mistakes you should not make
Sometimes dates end in the morning. And this does not always happen in your apartment.
Whether it is a one-time meeting or another meeting with your girlfriend, you can at any time during a joint evening hear a proposal from the girl to “continue with her.”
And if you really like her, and in the early morning you don’t need to save the world, then there seems to be no reason to refuse. However, there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account so that your companion later does not regret her invitation and your joint night is not spoiled.

Here are a few basic mistakes that I highly recommend not making.
- Create a mess in her apartment
Regardless of whether your own home is a “lair” or a “temple of cleanliness”, always take the apartment in which you spend the night for the first time (both a girl and a friend) as a place requiring increased accuracy by default.
Carefully monitor your actions: do not throw things away, try not to leave “traces” in the bathroom and yes – be kind, lower the toilet seat behind you – this is such a trifle, but most girls pay attention to it.
- Do not reckon with the rules of her house
If the girl does not live alone, perhaps (even, rather, for sure), you should not walk in the kitchen in the same shorts, and if she asks to be quieter during sex, before or after – fulfill her request.
If you smoke, gently ask where exactly this can be done (and whether it is possible at all). Put on slippers if they are offered to you.
- Being too demanding
And I’m not talking about sex right now. It’s quite normal to ask you to turn on / off the air conditioner or open a window if you feel uncomfortable but impolite to insist that the landlady satisfy all your needs (such as “In the mornings I only drink freshly brewed coffee”).
- To be silent and turn away after sex
Yes, we agree: sometimes it is difficult to determine the strategy of one’s behavior after random sex or the first sex with a girlfriend, but to do nothing is a failure tactic. You do not need to cuddle and bask with her at all if you do not want to do this, but still try to have a small and frivolous conversation – and only about pleasant or neutral.
- Suddenly and quickly leave in the morning
What time you leave in the morning should always be discussed before you go to bed, otherwise your early rise or hasty departure may offend the girl or even make her feel used.
Not sure if you want to linger or not? Then say that you have a meeting with a friend in the morning. And if, after awakening, you both have a desire to spend more time together, you can say that you postponed this meeting. Although, of course, lying is bad, and it’s better to decide in advance.