Will the coronavirus with summer heat go away
It seems to many that spring and summer have the hope of normalizing life in the Northern Hemisphere after the winter attack of the coronavirus. However, scientists believe that you should not rely on warm weather. It will not be an obstacle to the spread of COVID-19 at an alarming rate. Several studies have already been conducted that have evaluated the effect of fever on a pandemic. The results were inconsistent and unreliable due to the small amount of data, said the US National Academy of Sciences.
“We should not assume that weather changes will save us. We tend to assume that the virus will continue to do its job, ”said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States.
Scientists have noted cases where other types of coronavirus and flu weakened with increasing ambient temperature. However, there is now no evidence that COVID-19 will react in a similar way. Some studies have shown that increasing temperature or humidity has made transmission of the virus difficult. Nevertheless, the report of the academy said that the data on which the conclusions were based were “not without flaws.”
One of the first studies in the Chinese province of Hubei showed that with an increase in air temperature of 1 degree at relatively high humidity levels, daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 decreased by 36–57%. But these results for all of mainland China did not materialize.
Another study showed that 90% of coronavirus transmission worldwide until March 22 occurred at temperatures of 3–17 ° C. However, these data are not generally confirmed by serious sources.
“Some evidence confirms a potential reduction in the incidence in warmer and wetter seasons. But in no case is there any serious evidence. Considering that in countries with warm climates, such as Australia and Iran, the virus is currently spreading rapidly, one should not expect a decrease in the number of cases with increasing humidity and temperature elsewhere, ”Nautilus quoted the report as a report from the US National Academy of Sciences.
A similar assessment of the assumptions was made a few days ago by the WHO Executive Director of Health Emergencies, Michael Ryan. “To believe that the virus will simply disappear in the summer is a vain hope. We have no reason to suppose this, ”he emphasized.