Etiquette on the first date: 9 main rule

Nothing difficult, but it is important.

She likes you, you too. And you will have a date. Excellent! In order for everything to work out, it is important that everything goes well on your first meeting. It depends on several factors, one of which is adherence to dating etiquette. Yes, yes, it exists, and it would be nice to learn it.

Here are the nine main commandments.

  • Do not be late

To be late on your first date with someone is not cool, but impolite. Such neglect tells the girl that you do not value her time, and calls into question your reliability. Just try to be punctual. Good manners never go out of style!

  • Phone

Keep it in your pocket, or at least put it face down on the table. Answering messages, phone calls, or checking alerts on social networks during a date shows that you are not very interested in what the other person is saying.

This is completely normal if you want to show a girl photos or videos on your phone, but ideally this should be the only time you use it.

  • Do not rush to condemn her

Perhaps at some point your companion will do or say something for which you want to condemn her, but try never (and not only on a date) to make hasty conclusions. You do not know this girl well enough to make assumptions.

Keep asking questions and gather information about her. And do not forget: the first opinion can be erroneous, especially when it is done in such a stressful situation as the first date (yes, imagine, she is also worried).

  • Pay attention to your appearance

If you go to a cafe or restaurant for dinner, don’t dress like visiting a friend for a beer and watching a football match. Comfortable clothes in which you feel attractive will also give you confidence that will help to make a good impression. How to choose the perfect bow for a date, read in a separate material.

  • Do your homework

I advise you to think over some issues and theses for discussion in advance in order to avoid potential awkward pauses. Not sure what exactly you can ask her about? We have some ideas.

  • Be honest

We all want to make the most favorable impression on the person we like, but to do this with the help of deception is a losing strategy. Yes, she may never know the truth, but what if you end up getting close?

You will have to continue to lie, at the risk of becoming confused, in order to maintain this initial false image. Be yourself, then you will definitely avoid the unpleasant accusations of duplicity or hypocrisy.

  • Do not be rude

You will never be mistaken if you are a good guy. If you are with a girl in a restaurant or bar, treat the staff the way you would like to be treated.

There is nothing more repulsive than a guy who is rude to waiters and bartenders. This is not only arrogant and classical, but also gives his companion the feeling that in the future he can start talking to her just as rudely.

  • Do not argue over the bill

Paying an invoice can be a moot point. Some people still believe in the old-fashioned rule that guys should always pay on dates, others not. Offer to pay for everything or split the bill, but do not argue and take into account the preferences of your companion.

  • Keep track of time

Whether it’s dinner, coffee or a walk in the park, the date should be long enough – you really need this opportunity to get to know each other, but also short enough so that both of you do not want it to end soon.

But if you feel so good together that you are easily ready to spend the next eight hours together, then, of course, continue to communicate!

By Cindy
April 1, 2020

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