Chinese expert said coronavirus pandemic could drag on for two years
Zhang Wenghong, the head of the coronavirus expert group, said the Covid 19 pandemic could drag on for up to 2 years, so you shouldn’t expect it to end soon.
Researchers believe that the process of suppressing the outbreak of the virus will be delayed, because Europe and the United States will not be able to act as quickly and efficiently as China, which today has almost coped with the disease. This is clearly evidenced by statistics that show the number of infected, dead and recovered.

Zhang is sure that the solution lies only in the radical, coordinated actions of all states.
While China was the first to suffer from the adversity of the coronavirus, other countries dared to teach it. However, China has now set a good example of how to act in order to cope with the spread of coronavirus in a short time. The full mobilization of all necessary services and authorities yielded results. And now those countries that have taught the Middle Kingdom are themselves suffering from Covid 19. At the same time, China, having stabilized the situation in its country, rushed to other countries to help.
As experience shows, the Chinese model of combating the deadly virus was much more effective than the western one.