8 rules for communicating with a girl in the body
Don’t ignore her efforts
If your friend makes at least some efforts to occupy a little less space in space (refuses herself eclairs for the night, walks up to the 2nd floor, buys the third pair of running sneakers), you, as an honest person, are obliged from time to time note that she noticeably lost weight. Even if this is not entirely true (or not at all). At what exact moment, her desire to lose weight is converted into lost centimeters and kilograms, science does not know. But you have no moral right to ruin it before it begins to bear fruit.
Be lenient
The favorite pastime of most girls in the body is dieting. You need 2 things:
1) Do not provoke breakdowns by bringing food into the house that is on its black list. History knew examples when a losing weight girl fainted and hit her head painfully, barely smelling ham. Do not be a sadist – fill your stomach with fried potatoes, pork chops and other profiteroles outside the house. And come to the girl with a bouquet of salad.
2) If a breakdown happened (and they always happen), do not focus on this and do not reproach the girl, but what kind of chocolate crumbs is on her chin and why does the bedroom smell like a hamburger? Shit, as they say, happens. Be condescending – and she will take another crusade against her body fat.

Filter humor
Jokes about the radius of her priests – the strictest taboo. Even – and I would say especially! – if she herself loves to pironize on the topic of how sofas creak under her and the trousers effectively burst at the seam. Self-irony is a classic defense mechanism (if the mechanism works, then there is something to protect). Therefore, keep your witticisms to yourself, and react to her remarks with a languid smile. Let yourself practice wit, just not to cry.
Admire her body
Girls of standard and close to ideal forms like to be indignant that, they say, men are exclusively on their physical shell and they wanted to spit on the rich inner world and IQ. Hence the unhappy snort about compliments to the length of the legs, the depth of the eyes and the viciousness of the neckline. The girls in the body do not have such complexes. But there are others. Yeah, about the physical shell. Therefore, her body or its individual parts is not only possible, but also necessary to admire! And keep in mind: one kind word to her graceful calves, aristocratic fingers, alluring forearms is quoted higher than a month of compliments to her spiritual and intellectual qualities. Believe me, about how good and kind she is, she can no longer hear. And she knows everything about the power of her intellect.
Watch your language
Loving people tend to give each other different stupid nicknames. And if you drew inspiration for nicknames from the features of your girlfriend’s figure and now you call her, for example, a “donut” (and at the same time you get for this not a rolling pin between your eyes, but her flirty smile), your business. But only in a private setting !!! You have no right to make a mistake, so keep this moment under control. You will forget it by accident, call out a girl, for example, to the whole restaurant – and that’s all, shame can only be washed off with blood. Yours, of course.
Take on force
Carrying a beloved woman in her arms is a tradition rooted back centuries. But in the case of a girl in the body, complications are possible. After all, what is the main thing in this process? The feeling of fluffless weightlessness and the ease with which the Beautiful Prince takes his Princess off the ground. And what does a girl have in her body? Sheer disappointments. Seeing your reddened and distorted face from the strain is damn humiliating. It can only be worse if you do not calculate strength and drop the same load on the floor. In short, if you are not sure – do not even try.
Don’t buy her clothes
A rare girl does not like the movie “Pretty Woman”, where Richard Gere does what we expect from every self-respecting gentleman: dressing her friend from head to toe. Alas, giving a girl body items of clothing and especially underwear is risky. You may have the misconception that a friend wears size M (nobody canceled push-ups, pantyhose, black, and other optical tricks) when she actually has a full-fledged XL. And to receive as a presentation a fabulously expensive rag that you cannot even pull on your nose is damned insulting and shameful.
Don’t stop her being a sex bomb
There is an opinion (by the way, confirmed by sexologists) that women in the body behave in bed an order of magnitude more unbridled than their flat-headed sisters in mind. One correction: if the bedroom does not have stress factors such as a 400-watt light bulb in the chandelier. By the way, you yourself can also be this very stressful factor. For example, when, after reading the Kama Sutra, you try to portray something highly Arabatical, not taking into account the weight category of the process participants (joint crunching, dislocations and a general feeling of awkwardness are guaranteed). Or you insist on some specific poses that may be uncomfortable for the partner due to build. In short, be attentive and unobtrusive, and then you will have a chance to witness the explosion of a real sex bomb.
Now it’s your turn to talk about relationships with the ladies in the body. Do you even want girls to lose weight?