5 signs by which girls figure out good lovers
If a girl does not get to know you at sewing courses in order to exchange patterns, then she is somewhat excited about how skillful and skillful you are in bed. And it is obvious that not only the staff of the University of Massachusetts, but also the women themselves are engaged in the calculation of indirect signs indicating outstanding erotic potential. What features in the behavior of men do we women pay attention to and perceive them as evidence of special sex skills?
Gourmet Food Attitude
This item, as it turned out, is relevant for both sexes. I once read an article on the non-obvious signs of female sexuality, where the experts convinced you guys to pay attention to how long your companion meditates indecisiveness on the menu, whether it smokes with pleasure when eating, whether it requires dessert, in short whether overall shows interest in food.
Honestly, in the case of girls, this moment does not seem to me very revealing. Many of us may like to crunch chicken wings, but on dates they order arugula salad with shrimp without croutons and dressing (and shrimp) in order to look like a trembling nymph in the eyes of a companion, and not one that can stop a galloping horse in order to gobble it up raw.
But the verdict against men is unequivocal: the gourmet at the table – the gourmet and in bed. In this context, we pay attention to how the satellite eats: slowly and with pleasure – or deal with the steak as fast as if a glutton is participating in the competition. And whether he prefers to go to the same places – or is he ready to take a chance and look into some new rest. Well, or at least come to your favorite institution and order something new from the menu instead of the standard set.

Not in the sense of shyness, but rather, the lack of a tendency to excessive self-PR. “Guys are fluttering incessantly from self-doubt. One way or another, self-doubt is tied to how freely a person feels in sex, ”one of my friends correctly noted. And also, as it turned out, for many girls an endless “I” and an attempt to get a price for themselves is a sure symptom of egocentrism, which, in turn, rhymes poorly with the concept of a good lover. “Good” in this case – “inclined to think not only about their own orgasms.”
“A modest, but at the same time diabolically ambitious guy” – this, of course, is as rare a sight as “a defendant in the Forbes list who has never broken the law.” But my duty in this case is to draw your attention to the fact that the “mattresses”, “idiots” and “sissies who are up to 40 years old and kick the bulldoze and live at their parents’ expense”, women refuse not only sex, but often and the right to be excellent lovers. It is possible that it is erroneous – but such is the collective women’s verdict. It did not take place in life (or there is not even any hint that it will take place) – it is insolvent in bed.
One of my friends is sure: “If a guy has a desire to learn something, to grow, this is manifested in everything. Starting with how he builds a career, and ending with how he satisfies women: the old “grandfather” method or constantly looking for new poses, affection and ways to bring a partner to orgasm. “
The girls’ attempts to link the tip amount that you unfasten to the waiter with your sexual potential at first seemed to me another elegant way to justify female commercialism, but there is definitely something to it. The breadth of the soul and gestures is expressed not only in sums and zeros, but also in how much a man is capable of disinterested impulses and gestures.
Your relationship with the car
That at 3 years, that at 33 – the car remains the favorite toy of most boys. And, as it turned out, for many girls your relationship with the car is a kind of litmus test of what kind of relationship awaits her with you.
“I always look at the guy driving the car. If it’s bad, then he’s not a lover either. Well, if he can’t cope with the car, why should he give a woman who has much more control levers? ”One of my friends who, by the way, is an auto expert in a large company, said. – And it’s not about the make of the car, but rather about the driving technique. Everything is important there: landing and driving, and behavior on the road, and the ability to drive a car. Now, if he sat imposingly behind the wheel, almost as if on a sunbed, he lowered his back, he held the steering wheel with one hand, immediately “no.” To the oven of such lovers! ”To my question, what is the driving style of the lovers, to whom she says“ yes ”, the following answer was received:“ He has everything under control, you go with him and you understand that you can fall asleep in the passenger seat, because you trust him.
So, my friend, read, remember and skillfully use. It’s my pleasure!