7 skills that will make your life easier with a girl

  • Discuss financial issues

It is not poisonous to hiss, why the hell is she another yellow shoes, and not be silent, like a hero, when you have $ 5 in your pocket, and give the girl champagne and oysters, and calmly and in an adult discuss the current financial situation. Few things spoil relations, such as illusions and thoughtlessly taken loans.

  • Finding a common language with her friends

Firstly, these ladies are a storehouse of valuable information about what to give a girl, is it worth it to soar about an ex, boorishly liking her photo in a bikini, etc. Secondly, a guarantee that you will be able to freely go away with your friends and not to hear accusations that you have “neglected” and “abandoned” it. And thirdly, your secret support group: it’s these girls who at the right moment will take your self-friend’s hands out of the cute bartender’s underpants and command: “Home! Run! ”

  • Spontaneously break somewhere together

Is there a way to improve sex, get rid of the sensation of routine, and remain the most-most for us? Well, that’s what he is (not to be confused with the planned and suffered vacation that you both were waiting for and for which the purchase of a new laptop was delayed).

  • Talk about work so that it doesn’t fall asleep

On the one hand, any girl wants to be the same person for her boyfriend with whom you can talk about anything. On the other hand, sometimes there is no power to listen to your emotionless bubbling about “options” and “futures”. The sooner you find the right intonation and the appropriate vocabulary to discuss your professional interests, the less likely it will be jealous of you for work and sabotage Friday gatherings with colleagues.

  • Cook yourself dinner

Men’s domestic helplessness is touching only in theory: a girl is pleased to console herself with the illusion that without it you will earn an ulcer by eating nibbling, or even die of starvation. But in practice, dealing with a man who behaves like a one-year-old baby is extremely troublesome and fraught with endless conflicts on domestic grounds.

  • Notice her natural beauty

Everyone can admire and want a girl who has just fluttered out of a beauty salon. And you try not to shy away, but, on the contrary, say how beautiful she is when the girl did not get enough sleep, picked up an ARI or a hangover. Try it and you will understand that this is probably the easiest and most effective way to have sex more often and stop the flow of her questions from the series “Do you really love me?” And “Where are our relationships going?”.

  • Say no

Nothing adorns a man like solid principles. And sometimes girls behave outrageously and test your patience not for fun, but in order to understand where the line goes. But believe me: a real bloody big top begins when and if it comes to the conclusion that there are no borders, or you are not able to clearly identify them.

By Cindy
January 24, 2020

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