Find out which kooky stuff you’ll run into from a girl’s past (2)
She was an ugly duckling

Whether she has now turned into a beautiful swan is for you to judge. But if the whole school laughed when she first came to class with painted lips for the first time in her life, her parents were slightly embarrassed to show her photographs to relatives, and her father constantly told her bedtime story that beauty is not important in life – there is a possibility that, Having matured, the girl will explode to catch up. Such young women very often flirt with everything that moves. At the very beginning of the acquaintance, this quality of it aroused your delight, but then it turned into a factor somewhat interfering with a happy life together.
The former ugly duckling differs from all other desecrators of the hearth in that she does not really need treason as such. Much less than, for example, ladies who have sex with strangers provokes such a release of hormones that a legitimate husband can only wave his hand and crawl to get divorced. If a girl manages to cope with the remnants of the inferiority complex, she will be able to remain faithful to one partner.
She knew true love
And then her heart broke. Like this: grunt! If she tells you this tragic story more than once in the first week of her acquaintance, the most correct reaction to this will be to get up, get dressed and leave. Apparently, the girl has not yet experienced her severe mental trauma. If she cries when she talks about her ex, then you, with all your desire, cannot yet make her concentrate emotionally on you. And to start communication, the lack of such concentration is very bad. From a beautiful new gentleman who could make a girl forget all the nasty things of her sad biography, you will simply turn into an exhibit, against which the last acts of this tedious melodrama take place.
When you again emerge on her horizon in a month or two, she will already know that you are getting a bad crying vest, and if she takes it back, she will be more careful in communicating with your ears and conceit.
She dated an alcoholic boxer

Yes, of course, against his background you are a real gentleman, expressing his dissatisfaction with her behavior with just gentle jerks. At first, the girl, of course, will warmly appreciate your upbringing and nobility. But not the fact that after some time she does not begin to feel a vague longing for her ex. If a girl is used to a certain type of relationship, including violence and humiliation, affection and care can be subconsciously perceived by her as a lack of masculinity. Therefore, there is a small risk that when you and your girlfriend will be somehow especially good, right and joyful, she will leave you for a karate addict.
But when after one extremely important and incredibly business meeting you return home dressed only in a park bench, you will be told only the 0.77th part of what your friends … business partners will hear from your friends.
She was a sociable girl

The degree of her sociability is expressed in such a number of sexual partners, which would be enough to conquer a small Asian country with little blood. You, as a modern person, deprived of hypocrisy, of course, stand with all your heart for the fact that girls have the right to develop their sensual experience in every way. On the other hand, for some reason you get tense when her mobile suddenly falls outside the coverage area, even if she went to the bakery for only five minutes. Because she told you what she once did in a bakery in 2008 … Although the problem is not that she cannot follow the rules of the game and be faithful. The problem is that the male psyche reacts painfully to the probable availability of a constant partner to other males, and now for the first time in your life you begin to think that Othello was not such a crazy psycho.
And math is still on your side! She didn’t have a permanent partner, because she changed them non-stop? So, she almost certainly had sex less often even of those well-meaning young ladies who had only one partner before you, but he was at their fingertips around the clock for many years.
She was a class leader
It happens when parents are struggling to develop leadership qualities in a girl. With such a girl it will not be easy: she will always try to build everyone. But that’s not all. Very often, such social activity is field-dependent behavior. That is, the girl does not have her own goals and desires, but only responds to incentives from the outside. Society, as a rule, is extremely positive towards activists who are always ready to come to the rescue, thereby only strengthening field dependence. As a result of her life, neither the girl nor her relatives have, but there is only an endless struggle for the happiness of blue whales, opposition parties and the installation of a new elevator at a meeting of the house collective.
But if you learn to regularly, loudly and believably give signals “I need help!”, The activist’s primary task will be to ensure the most comfortable living conditions for you, and not some Ussuri tigers.
She was an excellent student

Now she has a gold diploma and a bunch of other small jewelry for victories in historical and mathematical olympiads. There is a possibility that the girl belongs to a very rare (unfortunately) type of gifted and quick-witted, and curious people, who get five in all subjects without cramming and self-torture. But it may very well be that you are dealing with a girl who has the main and only purpose of existence – to please her parents and teachers. There is a risk that in a relationship she will be guided by imposed stamps and react very sharply when something does not correspond to stereotypes. Turning a romantic date into an exceptional tediousness is an extremely difficult feint, but a real excellent student will cope with this task. Five plus.
But you will never be tormented by the eternal masculine question: is it generally normal or what? Already an excellent student – miss normality itself, predictability, a sober look and a healthy norm.