Find out which kooky stuff you’ll run into from a girl’s past (1)
What awaits you in the company of this young lady? Daily gentle rain of rose petals and home dinners? Or a whiskey cocktail with valerian under a lullaby of psychoanalyst?
The real nature of the girl is easiest to predict not by her words, eyes or handbag, but by her past.
Is that elementary, Watson? Not so. Psychological deduction is a terribly unreliable tool. People are so fond of clinging to their individuality, they are so stubborn when they are trying to push them into some types, and besides, they change so meanly over time that it would seem that it is impossible to measure them and nothing to sort them out. And yet sometimes this deduction works. The most innocent general facts from the standard biography of a pretty girl can suddenly sprout extremely unpleasant thorns. And, agree, it would be nice if you, from the very beginning suspecting something like that, were ready and fully armed.
She is the daughter of a real oligarch

A child from a wealthy family may experience a complex that others care for her solely because of money. Usually this complex is expressed in the desire to tread his chosen one with all kinds of vagaries, sometimes too extravagant to be able to do without the police and equestrian divers. Moreover, if you begin to humbly endure these antics, the girl will affirm herself in her suspicions: “How can you love me like that? So, it’s all about money. ” If you start to explode in response, slam the door and send some shrill wolverines to hell, then all the more so: “If he really loved me, he would forgive me.” The situation, in general, is saturated, vibrant and interesting, but completely hopeless.
Since childhood, having free access to various material benefits, a person from a very wealthy family often appreciates the non-material much more and actually relates to a lack of money and comfort more easily than someone who grew up in cramped conditions.
Her parents milk cows. When sober

A girl from the bottom of society can be smart, kind, beautiful and noble as a pupil of the best Swiss guesthouse. But no one will give a reliable guarantee that she does not see in you a convenient springboard for jumping on the social ladder. No different from the beauties from prosperous families, a girl from the lumpen-proletarian milieu is often less demanding than they are. Often, such a young woman has a serious relationship “just in case” with the first candidate who came across, even if not the most ideal, from the “right” environment, who is dead of happiness that has fallen on him. She is not afraid to show a passion for him, declares fidelity to the grave, but she easily and unexpectedly throws as soon as she comes across a more suitable, but no less reliable option.
A young lady with an unsuccessful origin is a chance for an ordinary man to suddenly become the owner of a beautiful woman with the body of a top model and the brains of a Nobel laureate. And if this man manages to understand that the struggle for the girl’s attention is only just beginning, he has every chance to keep her for a long time, if not forever.
She is the only child in the family.
The only child in the family is not accustomed to live in a team of peers. In close contact only with her parents, she lives with the consciousness that close people are such giants of spirit and flesh who, although they sometimes swear and stomp their feet, still love her very much and will do everything to make her happy. Therefore, from her husband and boyfriend, she most often expects the same thing – indulgence, unconditional love and maximum reliability. It is very difficult for such girls to accept the ideas of equality and partnership. She is not engaged in joint business with you – she handed herself to you so that you take care of her, indulge and forgive.
Not encountering competition in childhood, the girl grew up as an unenviable and non-jealous person, as she is absolutely sure that she is the one and only. Therefore (if only some scumbag before you did not manage to deprive the young lady of illusions) she will be blind and deaf to all easy-to-understand everyday trifles like other people’s hair in your car and nervous female voices in your phone for as long as possible.
She is from a religious family
Well, or just brought up in conditions as close to prison. This happens to children of psychotic or schizoid mothers, who subconsciously see the child as part of their own personality and control every body movement. The result may look extremely unexpected: after the loss of all faith in a stork, a girl may begin a period of hypercompensation and, accordingly, absolute sexual licentiousness. At the same time, guilt will still lie an imperceptible burden in her backpack and fall out of the light of day at the most inopportune moments. For example, when you watch the Cup final and are not quite ready for a small talk about whether you consider her a dirty woman.
Girls raised by savonarole mothers are usually of such pleasing quality as a categorical unwillingness to maintain too close communication with these mothers in the future. So the visits of the old lady to your house will be extremely rare and delightfully short.
She was the first beauty of the school

In adolescence, everyone feels ugly, everyone has complexes. And if the girl nevertheless managed to present herself as the first beauty of the school, this testifies not so much to beauty as to the unusually developed childish egocentrism and maximalism. Many girls aged 12-15 are very pretty, but only a few are able to dress, paint and behave in such a way that the teenage environment unquestioningly recognizes their superiority. However, by the time of the institute, the alignment of forces was somewhat changing: by this moment, most young ladies get rid of clumsiness, acne and shyness, creating a beautiful and unusual competition for the beauty. Therefore, now the girl is often in a state of resentment at the unfairly arranged universe. After a quarter of a century, she will come to the conclusion that everything is for the best in this best of the worlds. In the meantime, she reassures her insulted pride by turning a nearby man into a personal poison spitter, and at the same time into a simulator for quiet insults and high-profile scenes.
Having survived all the tragedy of elusive beauty by the age of twenty, the young lady receives a powerful vaccination for the rest of her life – and soon there will be much less than the rest of the ladies to suffer, sob and go wild, having noticed a gray hair or wrinkle at the eyebrow in the mirror.
She is the daughter of a mother heroine
Contrary to conventional wisdom about the trajectory of falling apples from the apple tree, girls from large families are not so often eager to repeat the path of their mother. They remember very well how it feels to wage an endless struggle for survival, fighting with impudent sisters and brothers for a free nipple, new jeans and for whose turn it is not time to wash the dishes. Needless to say, the young lady acquired in such a tough evolutionary race is almost will inevitably work out on you? And it hurts to give back if you suddenly encroach on her personal territory, on her personal opinion or on her personal sex life, daring to overshadow your happiness with a disgusting shadow of betrayal. Your chances of getting regular educational pillows on your face in this situation are unusually high.
There is no fear that you will have an infantile creature on your hands that will disappear without you, no matter how naive, tremulous and airy it may be, believe me: a person who has lived in conditions as close to barracks for the first eighteen years is able to hold his teeth for life.
To be continued!