8 ways to improve your girlfriend(2)
Beloved girl became a little too much in every sense
Wrong method
Sit down and talk heart to heart about the fact that sometimes you need to be alone or with your friends. And there’s no reason to call you every half hour. And that you didn’t mean anything like that. On the contrary, you really value her and are happy to be in her company – just not twenty-four hours a day! And about the fact that you don’t need to collect things, no, you didn’t mean anything like that, but why do you need to beat the dishes, it’s unbreakable anyway, but when you throw ashtrays like that, it’s unpleasant and even painful …
Correct method
In fact, the need to sit, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes, slowly disappears just when you came together, broke off with all your former connections, and finally you can selflessly indulge in this occupation without any hindrance. But not for all couples this happens so harmoniously. Quite often – when one was already saturated with happiness together and began to twirl his beak around in search of any other occupation, the other had not yet managed to reorganize and now feels abandoned and offended. No, well, really, how could you leave her alone on Thursday night and leave to play hockey with these ugly friends of yours ?! Not that the girl was against your hockey – but how could you not take it?
Moreover, grievances accumulate like a snowball. Each of your lonely outings is remembered, taken into account and not forgiven. To protect yourself from problems of this kind, you need to make the girl herself understand: you will drag her on a rope for some of your entertainment events. Take her to this hockey! After sitting for an hour and a half on a frozen newspaper with a bottle of ice beer, the next time she herself will realize how many important things she has on Thursdays. But there are still many ways to properly entertain a girl. Invite her to a party with the most boring of your friends. Having become acquainted with the rich palette of your hobbies, the young lady will soon feel that in periodic partitions there are also advantages. And in general, the point is not that she longs to be with you all the time. And the fact that you do not want to call her somewhere. Do you want. She just squeals and rests. So everything is all right.
Her best friend is a rare bitch

Wrong method
To tell the girl the whole truth about what an evil, predatory and unscrupulous thing this Sherry is. That Sherry saliva can be watered on potato plantations with the goal of breeding the Colorado potato beetle. Compared to the character of Sherry, the atomic bomb is a cute little thing that you can blow up in your yard on New Year’s Day to the delight of your neighbor’s kids. No matter how immensely right you are, they will not believe you. Because Sherry is a friend. And who are you, actually?
Correct method
Somehow catch Sherry, powder her brains, call for a cup of coffee and wash the bones of your girlfriend. No real girlfriend will refuse such a tempting offer. And you just turn on the recorder in your pocket when Sherry completely relaxes and begins to spread the whole truth about your girlfriend’s present, past and future. Yes, this is a cynical and mean act. In war as in war.
Her bikini zone is a little wild
Wrong method
During the prelude, raise your head and ask: “Tell me honestly, now I am more like Karl Marx or Fidel Castro?”
Correct method
A set of monstrously expensive and almost completely missing linen will solve this problem itself. Especially if it comes complete with a kind of: erotic games immensely exciting you in the bathroom using foam and a razor.
She weeps all the time
Wrong method
Instantly do everything that she wants, just not to see this terrible torment on her pale, suffering face. This method of plugging the fountain is dangerous because it works for a very short time, but the next time it will be even stronger, because the causes of the leak have not been eliminated. If a girl is used to getting her tears, she will use this weapon more and more often.

Correct method
As soon as this happens, grab your head and run away with the words: “I can’t see you in tears, this is unbearable!” Such words sound very flattering to any woman, but in the absence of spectators it is very uninteresting to cry all the time.