Guys are not allowed here: 10 strange locations where you can get with her help (hell does not count) – Part 2

  • Evening with the girls

You will need: restraint

Disposition. In principle, girl gatherings are girl gatherings, because men are usually not brought to them. Exception number 1: a man with a pacifier and in a stroller, as the nanny took leave. Exception number 2: a man is her “new”.

Strategy. Having understood what kind of alteration you’ve got, you begin to frantically think about how to behave so that everyone will like it. And this is not the way to behave. Not a single girl in the world has ever parted with her partner just because all her friends wrinkled their nose and said: “What a nasty thing!”
You sat boring, you looked at Caitlin as an aphid, you offended Annette, yawning at her décolleté – they’ll forgive you all this. The beauty will be much less pleased if you take in the charm of her friends, and then for a long time you will admire how wonderful they are. Now, if you are obviously cold with everyone and maybe even a little neglectful, and, on the contrary, surrounded by demonstrative affection and sympathy, she will be happy. That is, of course, she will blame you for the fact that you are such a non-secular nature, but these are just words.

  • Center for psychological cleansing

You will need: an unbending will

Disposition. People in sweatpants are sitting on the floor, holding hands, and screaming, looking into the eyes of unfamiliar citizens opposite: “Life is beautiful! This world loves you! You and I – we breathe the same air! ”No, this is not a meeting of the Chinese parliament or even an intensive care unit for crazy banking workers. This is one of the many centers with a name like Life Spring, Psychological Relief Center, or Way to Yourself. All these institutions have very different programs, ideas and trainings, but the essence is always the same: but let’s make this type behave like an idiot and see what happens! Typically, this results in the following: the type tells his girlfriend that his legs will no longer be here, and the girl passionately tells how this training helps to get rid of personal problems.

Strategy. It’s time to say firmly that in life you have only one problem, this is the same training, and you just got rid of it safely.

  • Zoo

You will need: remember childhood

Disposition. Gophers and jaguars have been doing fine without your company for decades. Girls, I must say, also do not spend time in the monkey for days. But for some reason, we love to walk there. Perhaps we are confused by the convulsions of genetic memory, in which memories of how beautiful sex is under the twitter of rhinos pop up. Or is it a tribute to the closer past – the desire to drag you to the place where she was truly happy at the age of five. Bet on both versions.

Strategy. Be sure to buy ice cream, and even better – cotton candy: it is dryer, sweeter and stickier (walk like walk). Before the enclosure with cheetahs, choose the most unfreezing one and whisper: “He reminds you of his grace” (do not confuse: “cheetah”, not “wombat”, this is important). This is sentimental, it is touching, this is what the zoo needs. You can also wipe her face with a handkerchief from cotton candy – girls remember such moments forever.

  • Ballet or opera

You will need: Red Bull packaging

Disposition. Have you ever seen children leaving the theater after a ballet? If you saw, you probably noticed that the boys were wandering their parents somnambulistically, crushed by the musical culture and strangled by new ties. But the girls, all without exception, bounce, flare up and do something like that with their legs. Some of them look like little swans, others like big badgers, but they all dance. Ballet is loved by all women, even those who do not like it. The opera is a bit more complicated, but most of the ladies are also sympathetic to it.

Strategy. Once in the red-plush trap of a theater chair, behave more carefully. To your companion, this upside-down jumping on the stage does not seem ridiculous and boring at all. The combination of rhythmic dance and live music can periodically plunge it into an almost ecstatic state of subtle erotic experience. And if you get out in time with a good joke about tight-fitting leotards or inappropriately yawn, it’s very simple to get the stigma of a primitive bumpkin with whom, perhaps, sex is not necessary, because he seems to understand nothing of sensuality.

  • Fashion show

You will need: pretense indifference

Disposition. Perhaps, having hardly come here, she immediately repented of her decision to bring you to this dangerous place. In the presence of a large number of beautiful models, only very self-confident girls are able to behave naturally (even if they are models themselves).

Strategy. If you are full of mercy today, try to support and encourage her. Saying that everyone who plains on the catwalk, rare fears, will be foolish. Everyone already understands that there beauty itself walks in leopard boots, and you’re lying, lying, lying!!!
But there is an argument that completely punishes: “A nightmare, how skinny they are! Solid bones, horror! ”This is a banal, but still flawlessly acting balm that a prudent man will necessarily pour onto his companion’s soul, slightly scratched by everything that happens.

By Cindy
November 24, 2019

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