It’s simple: a perfect date scenario

4 tips on how to conquer a girl in one evening.

Every girl loves dating – this rule is iron, and there are no exceptions to it. That is why learning to organize meetings with her is the same as mastering the backhand in tennis – the victory will always remain with you. Do not think that I doubt your abilities, but still give a small cheat sheet.

Meeting place can not be changed
The opinion that the path to a man’s heart lies through his stomach is actually more applicable to women – a date at a restaurant is rightly recognized as a classic of the genre. Bet on a calm place with live music and good food (the more interesting the menu, the better). If you want to make a surprise, do not tell her where you are going, but take her away / away in an unknown direction, promising a wonderful evening. Do not skimp on her favorite dishes and drinks – remember, gratitude is just around the corner. During dinner, make a couple of compliments and as if inadvertently touch her hands – this makes the girls stronger kisses in the neck.

The best gift is flowers
A modest but exquisite bouquet will tell you more than any words about your careful attitude to it. Just don’t give red roses at the first meeting. It may seem strange to you, but some girls really pay great attention to the meaning of flowers, and most of them associate red roses with love – why give her vain hopes or reveal her feelings right away? In addition, red roses are commonplace.

For reference: now at the peak of fashion, white or pale pink peonies with large round buds. She will want to immediately upload photos of such colors in her Instagram, and this, believe me, is a direct proof of the right choice. Do not give too big a bouquet – nobody wants to carry “gravity” with them. A composition of five to seven flowers will be just right. Exotic flowers of bizarre shapes on long stems present you as a great original and obviously not a boring person. But here it is important not to overdo it. If the flower comes from faraway Africa, then let it be alone.

Follow dress code
When deciding on a wardrobe, make a choice in favor of elegant and at the same time casual wear. In other words, it is better to leave the three-piece suit in the closet (otherwise it will be nervous all evening that it has not worn the dress on the floor), but the stylish polo-shirt is perfect. Firstly, it is beautiful. And secondly, thanks to the short sleeves, she can see your biceps. After all, do you have them? An unobtrusive perfume will become an appropriate addition to the image.

To be continued
After the restaurant, there are two options for the development of events: either you are coming to you, or you are beautifully escorting her to the entrance and saying goodbye with a short kiss. If the date is the first, it’s better not to invite her to your place and, especially, do not insist on continuing. Yes, no matter how much I want it. Yes, even if she definitely doesn’t mind. Be cunning – girls adore “not like everyone else” and appreciate when a man conquers them. Imagine how long the time will be in private after another 3-4 meetings.

By Cindy
October 31, 2019

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