For once, good news! TV series strengthen relationships!

Having familiarized yourself with this research of scientists, you will run to download anything new season.

Relations between a man and a woman are a constant topic of scientific research, thanks to which more than a dozen families of these same studies are fed.

Sometimes such intimate studies terrify us, sometimes we are alarmed.

But the research we are going to tell you about now will really make you happy. After all, his results proved the undoubted benefit of joint long-term viewing of series for relationships. However, in order.

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen, in the UK, set out to find out how relationships within a couple are influenced by common addictions in the series. Of course, in order to be given a grant, they formulated the idea of ​​research much less straightforwardly. In particular, researchers have long argued that a common social circle of friends (friends, relatives, suspicious clowns hanging around the house) strengthens relationships.

But, you must admit, not everyone manages to maintain this social circle (especially if your best friend admitted that he had loved your girlfriend for a long time, and your mother casually called her a “fallen woman” at a family dinner). Therefore, the couple has to build a new circle, in which there would be common interests, so strengthening relations. About half a century ago, couples went to dances or to cooking classes together. In general, horror.

Fortunately, we, modern people, are much luckier: we live in an age of great series! So, all you need is to get comfortable in front of the laptop and watch everything in a binge. Moreover, the longer, the better: Aberdeen researchers insist that joint serial marathons are even more useful for relationships than a cowardly viewing of one or two series.

Indeed, if you spend the invaluable hours of your life watching a series together about people you are unfamiliar with and who, moreover, do not exist, you will be united not only by the pleasure of watching, but also by guilt for an aimlessly lived life.

Alas, in connection with the emergence of series in our lives, a completely new kind of betrayal also appeared in it. About which I have already told you in detail. Good luck!

By Cindy
September 25, 2019

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