It turns out that we choose a partner by name!

A new study that will change your idea of ​​romance. (If you had one at all)

A group of scientists from Columbia University and the US Military Academy (yes, everything is serious) conducted a joint study under the playful title “How do I love you? Let’s compare the letters: unaccountable egotism and interpersonal sympathy. ”

In total, scientists conducted seven studies of various types (surveys and experiments), in which several hundred people took part – both single and in long-term relationships. The result of this scientific outrage will appeal to lovers of horoscopes and those who believe that fate can be somehow systematized and predicted.

It turned out that the choice of a partner or partner of the subjects was affected by the similarity of their names and surnames. The more consonant the names or surnames of potential partners, the more common letters in them, the more chances for sympathy!

It turns out that when you, Andrew, go to the bar to get acquainted, you should not waste time on the hopeless Catherine. Pay attention to Sandy! She will like you much faster.

By Cindy
September 22, 2019

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