Drinking together is good for couples!
The study reports that couples who consume alcohol together or who both abstain from alcohol quarrel less often than couples in which one of the partners consumes and the other does not consume alcohol.
The study involved couples older than 50 years, scientists interviewed 4884 people in 2767 couples, who were together for an average of 33 years. Moreover, for two-thirds of the participants it was the first marriage. All participants answered the question of how many times a week and in what quantities they drink alcohol, and also told how often they quarrel with their spouses.
It turned out that in “drinking” couples quarrels occur much less frequently, and, most curiously, women in such families are much more satisfied with the quality of their marriage.

It is emphasized that the study involved only couples who consume alcohol in moderate doses and with an income of no lower than average.
So now, pouring wine to your chosen one at dinner, remember that you are acting for the good of the family!