Finally! Scientists have invented a method to predict adultery!
You will easily apply this psychological novelty in your family life, so rather take it into service!
Hooray, fortunetelling by SMS and other Old Testament methods for determining conjugal (and other types) infidelity in the past! Scientists from the University of Florida in Tallahassee, USA, have invented a simpler and more reliable method.

The path to success was thorny, and in some places even slippery: 233 couples of newlyweds, more than three years of constant observations. During this time, some couples were mired in treason, someone even divorced, so that psychologists had a lot of grateful research material in order to figure out which biological and psychological reasons affect the strength of family ties.
Day after day, month after month volunteers subjected to viewing photos of unfamiliar men and women, among whom were both beauties and handsome men, and subjects of very average appearance and even frankly unsympathetic persons. And it turned out that the fate of marriage can be more or less accurately predicted by a simple sign – how people react to attractive strangers.
The participants in the experiment, who turned away from frankly attractive faces quickly enough, were 1.5 times less prone to adultery and divorce than those who turned away a split second later. And the volunteers, who let go of the obviously nice people in the photo, something like “Nothing special”, “My late grandmother is better” and other repressions underestimating their appeal, broke the marriage vows less often.
And here are some more useful household observations observed by scientists during the survey:
1) young people are more inclined to adultery, dissatisfied with relationships, but satisfied with the quality and quantity of sex;
2) the percentage of betrayals is higher among couples where the husband is more attractive than the wife (and both of them wandered to the left);
3) most often, men who had a lot of intimate connections before marriage, and, conversely, women with a poor premarital sexual experience, changed.
Without panic, one of the authors of the study reassures! People are not to blame for their own vicious reactions, these are all the features of the brain, and neither can they increase or decrease the likelihood of adultery or divorce, no matter how hard they try.