5 sure signals that your interlocutor is bored

If your vis-à-vis did not snore, despite what you have been saying for a second minute, it is probably interesting to him. Or you just do not notice other signals that most of all he would like to hit you with a crowbar and run away.

  1. A tired interlocutor usually answers questions in monosyllables, or repeats the same thought: “Yeah,” “Cool!”, “You, most importantly, sit down, take it easy and put down the knife.” Does he fade out similar answers, even when you try to accuse him or invite him to a dialogue? So, he is completely bored.
  2. Sometimes it happens that the interlocutor is not boring yourself, but the topic of your mournful conversation. How to understand this? If on the face of the vis-a-vis the same expression has frozen, say: “And yet, what am I loading you with?” – and transfer the conversation to a more general, neutral topic. Weather, sports, movies – everything will fit. If the trick did not work and the interlocutor still misses – it means that the matter is still in you, and not in the subject concerned.
  3. If the irritation has become unbearable, the interlocutor is likely to try to knock you out of your thoughts with the unexpected question: “So how do you say your knife is called?” Questions at random are a sure sign of boredom and forced verbal defense.
  4. Things are really bad if the person with whom you wanted to start a heated argument does not look at you at all and pretends that, for example, reads an SMS (although there was no signal about the message). Giving you the opportunity to talk a lot, he is most likely waiting for you to shut up or get tired to leave right away.
  5. If the person has died, your conversation is definitely prolonged. But even if he just slouches, it’s bad. You may find it entertaining that scientists discovered in the 19th century: people start slouching when they are extremely uninterested in conversation.

But the so-called closed postures (hands folded on the chest in a pretzel, leg stretched over the leg), contrary to popular belief, often mean not boredom, but aggression. Maybe now, when the opponent also takes the knife, your conversation about the role of prosody in the work of Austin will finally go a little livelier.

By Cindy
July 26, 2019

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