It is estimated how many women are ready to have a holiday romance.
You will be pleasantly surprised! And then unpleasantly surprised, remembering that you are going on vacation with his wife.
Together with summer vacation comes to our life. And vacation is not only a waste of money, problems with a visa and being late for a plane, but also new impressions, meetings and dances until dawn!
So what can brighten up the holiday of a lonely or pretending to be a lonely person better than a holiday romance?

And just come to the rescue study from the international training center is able to even more inspire those who are counting on rest not only to burn, but also to have a holiday romance.
So, a survey conducted among 652 women showed the following inspiring results. 55% of women surveyed had holiday romance, that is, every second!
And for 48%, a holiday romance is just a light, non-binding entertainment. Only 10% are convinced that a holiday romance may turn into a serious relationship with all the ensuing mortgages.
As you can see, the statistics themselves bless you on frivolous vacation relationships. In any case, I hope that you will behave with your resort darling as a gentleman, who by chance turned out to be in swimming trunks with a pattern of bananas.
Full of enthusiasm, but do not know how to make this notorious holiday romance? Well, in the near future I am giving you detailed instructions.