Spouse-man! How many wives you need for a harmonious marriage
What are the families: 12 configuration options.
Families, both happy and vice versa, can be surprisingly different. Because people are creative creatures, inclined to experiment and easily change their habits. I collected a collection of the most curious types of marital relationships. Some of them, by the way, are not even necessarily prosecuted today by law. Maybe, finally, you will pick up some variant to your liking.
12.Sacred marriage

Since the epic consciousness does not really know how to distinguish a person from, say, a hedgehog, it is not surprising that it seemed reasonable to people to cheat spirits, forces of nature, animals and plants with the help of sex. So that the river does not forget to spill in the appropriate time, you need to marry it to a pretty young man. In order for a date to fruit properly, one can single out for him the wife of the most beautiful young ladies of the tribe. Almost all cultures somehow passed through the stages of sacral marriages. “Wives” and “husbands” of human origin in such marriages did not even necessarily die; on the contrary, they could quite peacefully embrace their legitimate cactus, fulfill the functions of priests and even engage in ritual prostitution in his honor. Sacred marriages still exist in many cults. For example, it is not by chance that Christian nuns are called “Christ’s brides”: the legs of this image grow from here.
11. Polyandry
Polyandry – a rare phenomenon, is found only in some nations (for example, among a number of tribes inhabiting Myanmar). Usually, these are very peaceful peoples, by whom geography or history allowed to exist for a long time without wars — so long that a gender bias began. Girls are always born less than boys, mortality during childbirth also mows the female part of society, and if wars do not thin out men, then the suitors become much more than brides. In case of polyandria, men of the same family usually marry one woman (brothers, son and widowed father, uncle and nephew, etc.) or fraternal brothers. Because together or three, of course, it is easier to pay a bride price to her parents than to get a wife for each one individually. Sometimes the “use” of the bride takes place in turn, with the exact timing of conception, in order to establish paternity. But more often such families refuse sexual regulation, and children are simply recognized as children of all potential fathers. Bored in general.

10. Levirat
This is the Hebrew rule, in which a woman “married a family.” If her husband was dying, his wife or father had to perform the marital duties. At the same time, children born to a widow were still considered the children of the deceased. Biblical Onan, who poured sperm on the ground before going to the widow of the deceased brother, for example, did this because he did not want children to be born to her, who would have surpassed him in line for an inheritance. And the saddest thing is that he often did not get his own legal wife to this one who fulfills the obligations of her husband, since he is busy on his “arable land of his brother.” Unfair, I believe!

9. Patriarchal monogamous marriage
Ethologists believe that for your kind, the pursuit of justice is an important element of a group survival strategy. Therefore, it is even surprising that the patriarchal monogamous marriage with its principle “one woman per person” became a rather late invention and promoted only by one religion (true, the most common). The traditional patriarchal marriage suggests that the couple faithfully remain faithful to each other, the man does not carry his genes to other people’s homes, and the woman strictly monitors his eggs. In this scenario, women are in an evolutionary loss, as their right to reproduce is greatly reduced compared with polygyny or promiscuousness.
Before patriarchy, say, there was practically no such thing as the “old maid”. But in men, even in obvious outsiders of evolutionary races, there is more chance of reproduction. Monogamous marriage is still the most common type of marriage for the “golden billion”. Now, however, the role of the father as the unconditional head of the family has become an anachronism, divorce is actually made on demand of either spouse, the average marriage of this kind lasts seven years, two thirds of marriages end in divorce. Banalism, in a word, and we can not ardently maintain this tradition, as incredibly tedious. Although she has her fans.
8. Sororat
The custom according to which a man marries sisters. Traditional for China, where wedding expenses — matchmakers, gifts, feasts, and so on — were enormous even a thousand years ago, and a wealthy man who wanted to have guaranteed heirs rarely limited himself to one wife. In this case, the perfect way out was to marry the sisters (or, say, to the lady and the maid from the same house) in one day. This reduced wedding expenses and should reduce the risk of conflicts between wives: yet girls are not strangers to each other and should be able to get along with each other.
7. Temporary marriage according to Sharia
The possibility of completely officially marrying for a short time (at least for a year, even for an hour) with the blessing of a Muslim cleric. A woman in such a marriage is entitled to a gift that turns into her full property at the end of the marriage; Children born to a temporary marriage are considered the property of the father. Until now, such a temporary marriage is quite common in most Islamic countries, often being a hidden form of prostitution. However, to put this business on a stream does not work, because, according to Sharia, a woman after a temporary marriage must wait more than three months to enter into the next marriage (or what if she is pregnant from her previous spouse?).