How to correctly walk to the left and not to fall (instruction in two parts)
Reinforced concrete advice from the agency to identify adultery, which will save you half of the property, a lifetime, and many, many nerve cells.

The statistics is implacable: our country is one of the first in the world in the number of divorces because of marital infidelity: according to some information, 75% of husbands and 25% of wives go to the left. Not to say that we look at it through the prism of approval and applause, but you can always count on my understanding and valuable advice. Let’s start with the last: experts of Lipstick Investigations, whose corona number is to expose adultery, formulated six main signs that will be given to your main friend that you have a side project.
If you suddenly climbed out of the monastery into the light of day, shaved off a broad beard, change your socks, pants and shirt, and sprinkle yourself with perfume twice a day, and not on St. Patrick’s Day and Christmas, explain to the mercy what the hell are you doing ?! Friend, you give yourself away with the head and the fact that you have someone to dress up for! Well, before the date, change into all the best in the car, or something. - YOU DON’T LEAVE A SMARTPHONE FROM HANDS
Do you remember, once, before the second coming (that is, before the girl number two entered your life), you lightly forgot your phone on your bedside table, dog rug, in a saucepan with soup and other prominent places? Now you do not let him out of his hands: first, in anticipation of the cherished “I am all burning!” From the new passion; secondly, that the official girl should not read these lovely nonsenses. In a fit of conspiracy, you went further – put passwords on all your gadgets, including the electric razor.
The tactics in general are correct, but one should not jump so violently on the phone with every sound of an incoming message. Hold a two-three-minute pause (endure! You are a man!) And only then look at the screen, so casually.
And not parts with many hours of hanging in the bathroom in an embrace with a smartphone – this is a classic! And if your half will ask what it is you now have to put passwords everywhere, write down everything to the machinations of the special services and competitors – this is what nature has created for them.