5 easy ways to make a spectacular impression
Minimum efforts – maximum results!

- Buy shoes with a small heel
Of course, if you are lucky to be born 190 cm, you do not need artificial growth stimulation. It is not harmful for everyone else to remember that tall growth subconsciously causes respect from surrounding men and attracts the attention of surrounding women. So, choosing your new shoes, make sure that they will give you a few extra inches of growth. They will not be superfluous. - Do not abuse the perfume
What is the point of smearing yourself with perfume if no one feels it? It is impossible to tell people in a conversation: “Hey, how do you like the combination of bergamot and patchouli on my velvet skin?” Therefore, many people think that it is so good to stifle. No compromise. And it is in vain: an intense obsessive scent can discredit its carrier for a long time. - Choose sweaters and T-shirts with a V-neckline.
Such a cutout visually increases the shoulders and generally ennobles the figure, giving it a symmetry. - Build your chin
Nature gave you chins, for which Dolph Lundgren called you at school (strange, I must say a nickname, also a long one)? You can skip this point, you do not understand the problems of ordinary people with ordinary chins! But women, especially at the stage of ovulation, judge potential partners not only by shoulder width and leg size, but also by chin size and protrusion. Moreover, it is easy to consider it – usually it is on the face. Fortunately, you can re-create your chin with bristles or hide it forever under a mighty manly beard. - Watch your posture
A crooked man, who is fascinated by looking at the floor, can make an impressive impression except on the ants scurrying below (by the way, where are the ants on the floor ?!) The rest will remain cold to his words and opinions. So straighten your back, that is strength. Do not pass by a single horizontal bar. Look only forward! Yes, maybe sooner or later you will stumble on an anthill. But people will start to treat you seriously.