The most important condition for a perfect first date is found!
And this is not chloroform, as you thought.
The first date is a serious test for young, not yet leaned relations. Actually, the relationship can end without even having time to get to the second date! Therefore, in the nearest future, I will tell you how to behave on the first date: what can you ask. And now I’ll tell you about the main condition for a successful first date. And I did not invent this condition: it was the result of a survey conducted by sociologists.

So, the main condition for a successful first date: the meeting should take place not in a restaurant, not in a movie or even in a serpentarium, but in a bar. Alcohol makes us more communicative and talkative, moreover, under the influence of alcohol, the true nature of a person appears faster.
That is, instead of bringing the girl to the conservatory several times and only on the fifth date to find out what she does not drink, you could find out on the first date without spending time and musical subscription on such a hopeless person.
According to researchers, the first date in the bar has another plus: it does not oblige to anything. If the classic first date – a movie and / or restaurant – involves a long stay in the same space with someone unknown, then the bar doesn’t. Even escape, if something goes wrong, will be easier!
The first date should not take you much time or money, it is enough to get acquainted. And only later, if after dozens of shots you still have pleasant memories about the girl, you can call her on the second, “full-fledged”, meeting at the conservatory.